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304 バイト除去 、 2022年12月15日 (木) 23:46
* [ヘラはアテナに語りかける]
: 「私達はアフロディーテと話をする必要があります。私たちは一緒に行って、もし可能なら、彼女の少年[エロス]を説得し、アイーテスの娘、多くの呪文のメデアに矢を放ち、彼女がジェイソンと恋に落ちるようにしましょう......。」。」(アルゴナウティカ<ref>Apollonius of Rhodes, Argonautica, 3.&nbsp;25&nbsp;ff – a Greek epic of the 3rd&nbsp;century&nbsp;BCE</ref>)
* [Hera addresses Athena:]
: “We must have a word with Aphrodite. Let us go together and ask her to persuade her boy [Eros], if that is possible, to loose an arrow at [[Aeetes]]’ daughter, [[Medea]] of the many spells, and make her fall in love with [[Jason]]&nbsp;...” (''[[Argonautica]]'')<ref>{{cite book |author=[[Apollonius of Rhodes]] |title=[[Argonautica]] |at=3.&nbsp;25&nbsp;ff}} – a Greek epic of the 3rd&nbsp;century&nbsp;BCE</ref>
* “He [Eros] smites maids’ breasts with unknown heat, and bids the very gods leave heaven and dwell on earth in borrowed forms.” (''[[Phaedra (Seneca)|Phaedra]]'')<ref>{{cite book |author=[[Seneca the Younger|Seneca]] |title=[[Phaedra (Seneca)|Phaedra]] |at=290&nbsp;ff}}</ref>
