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『詩』では、アモールの矢に刺されたダーネが、ナルキッソスと激しい恋に落ちる。ダーネは父に相談するのが先だと思いつつも、ナルキッソスに自分の気持ちを打ち明けた。ナルキッソスは、彼女が王家の血筋であることを強調したにもかかわらず、すべての女性を拒絶し、逃げ出すように、彼女を拒絶したのである<ref name="Harrison">Harrison Ann Turkey, 1982, Echo and her Medieval Sister, The Continental Review, volume26, issue4, page326, jstor:23739427</ref>。
『詩』では、アモールの矢に刺されたダーネが、ナルキッソスと激しい恋に落ちる。ダーネは父に相談するのが先だと思いつつも、ナルキッソスに自分の気持ちを打ち明けた。ナルキッソスは、彼女が王家の血筋であることを強調したにもかかわらず、すべての女性を拒絶し、逃げ出すように、彼女を拒絶したのである<ref name="Harrison">Harrison Ann Turkey, 1982, Echo and her Medieval Sister, The Continental Review, volume26, issue4, page326, jstor:23739427</ref>。
屈辱を受けたダーネがアモールに呼びかけると、アモールはナルキッソスを呪った。詩的な正義の典型例で、ナルキッソスは自分が他人に与えたのと同じ痛み、すなわち報われない愛の痛みに苦しむことを余儀なくされるのである<ref name="Dwyer"/>。
屈辱を受けたダーネがアモールに呼びかけると、アモールはナルキッソスを呪った。詩的な正義の典型例で、ナルキッソスは自分が他人に与えたのと同じ痛み、すなわち報われない愛の痛みに苦しむことを余儀なくされるのである<ref name="Dwyer"/>。その正義の手段が水槽であり、そこに映る自分の姿に恋をしたナルキッソスが、最初は自分を女性と間違えてしまうのである<ref name="Dwyer"/>。
Humiliated, Dané calls out to [[Cupid|Amor]], and, in response, the god curses Narcissus. In a classic example of [[poetic justice]], Narcissus is forced to suffer the same pain he inflicted on others, namely the pain of unrequited love. The vehicle of this justice is a pool of water in which Narcissus falls in love with his own reflection, which he at first mistakes for a woman.<ref name="Harrison"/>  Deranged by lust, Dané searches for Narcissus, naked but for a cloak, and finds him at the point of death. Devastated, Dané repents ever calling to Amor.<ref name="Dwyer"/> Dané expresses her love for the last time, pulls close to her beloved and dies in his arms. The poet warns men and women alike not to disdain suitors lest they suffer a similar fate.<ref name="Harrison 2">Harrison, ''Echo and her Medieval Sister'', 327</ref>
Humiliated, Dané calls out to [[Cupid|Amor]], and, in response, the god curses Narcissus. In a classic example of [[poetic justice]], Narcissus is forced to suffer the same pain he inflicted on others, namely the pain of unrequited love. The vehicle of this justice is a pool of water in which Narcissus falls in love with his own reflection, which he at first mistakes for a woman.<ref name="Harrison"/>  Deranged by lust, Dané searches for Narcissus, naked but for a cloak, and finds him at the point of death. Devastated, Dané repents ever calling to Amor. Dané expresses her love for the last time, pulls close to her beloved and dies in his arms. The poet warns men and women alike not to disdain suitors lest they suffer a similar fate.<ref name="Harrison 2">Harrison, ''Echo and her Medieval Sister'', 327</ref>
While Ovid's story is still recognisable, many of the details have changed considerably. Almost all references to pagan deities are gone, save Amor who is little more than a personification of love. Narcissus is demoted to the status of a commoner while Echo is elevated to the status of princess. Allusions to Narcissus’ homosexuality are expunged. While Ovid talks of Narcissus' disdain for both male and female suitors, the ''Lay'' only mentions his hatred of women. Similarly, in the ''Lay'', Narcissus mistakes his reflection for that of a woman, whereas no mention is made of this in Ovid's account. Finally, the tale is overtly moralized with messages about [[courtly love]]. Such exhortations were entirely absent from the ''Metamorphoses'' rendition.<ref name="Harrison 2"/>
While Ovid's story is still recognisable, many of the details have changed considerably. Almost all references to pagan deities are gone, save Amor who is little more than a personification of love. Narcissus is demoted to the status of a commoner while Echo is elevated to the status of princess. Allusions to Narcissus’ homosexuality are expunged. While Ovid talks of Narcissus' disdain for both male and female suitors, the ''Lay'' only mentions his hatred of women. Similarly, in the ''Lay'', Narcissus mistakes his reflection for that of a woman, whereas no mention is made of this in Ovid's account. Finally, the tale is overtly moralized with messages about [[courtly love]]. Such exhortations were entirely absent from the ''Metamorphoses'' rendition.<ref name="Harrison 2"/>

2023年1月4日 (水) 20:10時点における版


ギリシア神話において、エーコー(ˈɛkoʊ; ギリシャ語:Ἠχώ (Ē), 「響き」[1])は、シタエロン山(キサイロナス)に住んでいたオレイアス[2]である[3]。ゼウスは美しいニンフと交際するのが好きで、地上にいるニンフをしばしば訪れていた。やがて、ゼウスの妻ヘーラーが不審に思い、ニンフと一緒にゼウスを捕まえようとオリンポス山からやってきた。エーコーはゼウスを守ろうとした(ゼウスに命じられた)ことでヘーラーの怒りに触れ、ヘーラーは彼女に語られた最後の言葉だけを話せるようにさせた。だから、ナルキッソスと出会って恋に落ちたエコーは、自分の気持ちを伝えることができず、彼が自分に恋しているのを見守るしかなかった。
























Humiliated, Dané calls out to Amor, and, in response, the god curses Narcissus. In a classic example of poetic justice, Narcissus is forced to suffer the same pain he inflicted on others, namely the pain of unrequited love. The vehicle of this justice is a pool of water in which Narcissus falls in love with his own reflection, which he at first mistakes for a woman.[22] Deranged by lust, Dané searches for Narcissus, naked but for a cloak, and finds him at the point of death. Devastated, Dané repents ever calling to Amor. Dané expresses her love for the last time, pulls close to her beloved and dies in his arms. The poet warns men and women alike not to disdain suitors lest they suffer a similar fate.[23]

While Ovid's story is still recognisable, many of the details have changed considerably. Almost all references to pagan deities are gone, save Amor who is little more than a personification of love. Narcissus is demoted to the status of a commoner while Echo is elevated to the status of princess. Allusions to Narcissus’ homosexuality are expunged. While Ovid talks of Narcissus' disdain for both male and female suitors, the Lay only mentions his hatred of women. Similarly, in the Lay, Narcissus mistakes his reflection for that of a woman, whereas no mention is made of this in Ovid's account. Finally, the tale is overtly moralized with messages about courtly love. Such exhortations were entirely absent from the Metamorphoses rendition.[23]

The Romance of the Rose

The Romance of the Rose is a medieval French poem, the first section of which was written by Guillaume de Lorris in around 1230. The poem was completed by Jean de Meun in around 1275. Part of a much larger narrative, the tale of Echo and Narcissus is relayed when the central figure stumbles across the pool wherein Narcissus first glimpsed his own reflection.[24]

In this rendition, Echo is not a nymph, or a princess, but a noble lady. She fell madly in love with Narcissus, so much so that she declared that she would die should he fail to love her in turn. Narcissus refuses, not because he despises all women, but merely because he is haughty and excessively proud of his own beauty.[24]

Guillaume relays that on hearing Narcissus’ rejection, Echo's grief and anger were so great that she died at once. However, in a similar vein to the Lay of Narcissus, just before she dies, Echo calls out to Deus. She asks that Narcissus might one day be tormented by unrequited love as she had been, and, in so doing, understand how the spurned suffer.[24]

As in the classical myth, Narcissus comes across a pool following a hunt. Though Echo prayed to Deus, and the tale notes that he answered her prayer, it is Amor who waits for Narcissus by the water. Amor causes Narcissus to fall for his own reflection, leading quickly to his death. The tale makes clear that this is not merely justice for Echo, but also punishment for Narcissus’ slight against love itself.[24]

The tale concludes with an exhortation to all men warning them that, should they scorn their lovers, God will repay the offence.[25]

Guillaume's rendition builds on the themes of courtly love emphasised in the Lay and moves further away from Ovid's initial account. The curse of Athena is absent entirely, and the tale is overtly moralised. Unlike in the Lay, however, this moral message is aimed solely at women; this despite the fact that the offending behaviour is perpetrated by Narcissus not Echo.[26]









グレイヴズの記すところでは(『ギリシア神話』56章a )、エーコーとパーンのあいだには、娘イユンクスがあったとされる。イユンクスはゼウスに魔法をかけ、河神イーナコスの娘イーオーへの恋心を抱かせたため、ヘーラーの怒りに触れ鳥のアリスイに姿を変えられたという。


  • Wikipedia:エーコー(最終閲覧日:23-01-03)
    • 高津春繁 『ギリシアローマ神話辞典』 岩波書店
    • ロバート・グレイヴズ 『ギリシア神話』 紀伊國屋書店
    • 呉茂一 『ギリシア神話』 新潮社


  • ἠχώ, Henry Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, on Perseus
  • 山と岩屋のニュンペーである。
  • Aristophanes, Translated by Eugene O'Neill Jr. (1938). Thesmophoriazusae. Lines 990-1000. Available at perseus.tufts.edu
  • Ovid, Translated by David Raeburn (2004). Metamorphoses. Penguin Classics. 3. 361-369. ISBN:014044789X
  • Ovid, Metamorphoses, 3. 370-378
  • Ovid, Metamorphoses, 3. 379-386
  • Ovid, Metamorphoses, 3. 386-392
  • Ovid, Metamorphoses, 3. 394
  • Ovid, Metamorphoses, 3. 493-501
  • Ovid, Metamorphoses, 3. 395-397
  • 11.0 11.1 11.2 Longus, Translated by Ronald McCail (2009). Daphnis and Chloe. Oxford University Press. Page 56, [3.22]. ISBN:0199554951
  • 個人的には、パーンにはディオニューソス的な性質があるように感じる。
  • Hesiod and Homer, Translated by Hugh. G. Evelyn-White (2008). Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns, and Homerica. Digireads.com. Homeric Hymn XIX. To Pan, p.127. ISBN:1420930753
  • Orpheus, Translated by Thomas Taylor (2013). The Mystical Hymns of Orpheus. Old Book Publishing Ltd. Orphic Hymn XI. To Pan, page 35. ISBN|:781071381
  • Photius, Translated by René Henry (2003). Bibliothèque: Tome III: Codices 186-222. Les Belles Lettres. Codex 190. ISBN:2251322221
  • Nonnus, Translated by W. H. D. Rouse (1989). Dionysiaca: Books 1-15. Loeb. Book XV, para. 306. ISBN:0674993799
  • Nonnus, Dionysiaca, Book VI, para. 257.
  • Apuleius, Translated by P. G. Walsh (2008). The Golden Ass. Oxford University Press. Page 94, Book 5, para. 25. ISBN:0199540551
  • 引用エラー: 無効な <ref> タグです。 「Sudias」という名前の引用句に対するテキストが指定されていません
  • 引用エラー: 無効な <ref> タグです。 「OCD」という名前の引用句に対するテキストが指定されていません
  • 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Dwyer, Richard (1978), Review: Narcisse: Conte ovidien français du XIIe siècle by Martine Thiry-Stassin, Madeline Tyssens. Speculum Vol. 53, No. 2, p.417
  • 22.0 22.1 Harrison Ann Turkey, 1982, Echo and her Medieval Sister, The Continental Review, volume26, issue4, page326, jstor:23739427
  • 23.0 23.1 Harrison, Echo and her Medieval Sister, 327
  • 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun (2008). The Romance of the Rose. Oxford University Press. Page 23. ISBN 0199540675
  • Guillaume, The Romance of the Rose, 24
  • Harrison, The Romance of the Rose, 328-329