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215 バイト除去 、 2022年12月26日 (月) 13:55
In the second volume of {{lang|de|Deutsche Mythologie}}, Grimm picked up the subject of Ostara again, speculating on possible connections between the goddess and various German Easter customs, including Easter eggs:
But if we admit, goddesses, then, in addition to [[Nerthus]], {{lang|goh|Ostara}} has the strongest claim to consideration. To what we said on p.&thinsp;290 I can add some significant facts. The heathen Easter had much in common with May-feast and the reception of spring, particularly in the matter of bonfires. Then, through long ages there seem to have lingered among the people ''Easter-games'' so-called, which the church itself had to tolerate&thinsp;: I allude especially to the custom of ''Easter eggs'', and to the ''Easter tale'' which preachers told from the pulpit for the people's amusement, connecting it with Christian reminiscences.<ref name="GRIMM780-781">Grimm (1883:780–781).</ref>
