* Wikipedia:[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erecura Erecura](最終閲覧日:22-11-24)
** Noémie Beck, Goddesses in Celtic Religion—Cult and Mythology: A Comparative Study of Ancient Ireland, Britain and Gaul, PhD, 2009, Université Lumière Lyon 2, University College of Dublin
* [[Peter Berresford Ellis|* Ellis, Peter Berresford]], ''Dictionary of Celtic Mythology'' (Oxford Paperback Reference), Oxford University Press, (1994): {{ISBN|:0-19-508961-8}}* {{anchor|egger}} * Egger, Rudolf. ''Römische Antike und frühes Christentum: Ausgewählte Schriften von Rudolf Egger; Zur Vollendung seines 80. Lebensjahres'', ed. Artur Betz and Gotbert Moro. 2 vols. Klagenfurt: Verlag des Geschichtsvereines für Kärnten, 1962–63. ([[Library of Congress|LOC]] call number DB29.E29.)* {{anchor|green}} [[Miranda Green (academic)|* Green, Miranda]] (2004). ''The gods of the Celts.'' Sparkford, UK: Sutton Publishing.** MacKillop, James. ''Dictionary of Celtic Mythology''. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. {{ISBN|:0-19-280120-1}}.
* Wood, Juliette, ''The Celts: Life, Myth, and Art'', Thorsons Publishers (2002): {{ISBN|0-00-764059-5}}