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181 バイト追加 、 2023年1月28日 (土) 17:54
=== その他参考文献 ===
* In [[Czech language|Czech]] and [[Slovak language|Slovak]], the word ''meluzína'' refers to wailing wind, usually in the chimney. This is a reference to the wailing Melusine looking for her children.チェコ語やスロバキア語では、メリュジーヌ(meluzína)という単語は、通常煙突の中で哭く風を指す。これは、子供たちを探して慟哭するメリュジーヌにちなむものである<ref>{{cite book|last=Smith|first=G.S.|author2=, C. M. MacRobert |author3=, G. C. Stone |title=, Oxford Slavonic Papers, New Series|publisher=, Oxford University Press, USA|year=, 1996|edition=28, edition28, illustrated|, volume=:XXVIII|pages=150|url=, pages150, https://books.google.com/books?id=Zjl-AAAAIAAJ&q=wind|, isbn=:978-0-19-815916-2}}</ref>   * In [[Czech language|Czech]] and [[Slovak language|Slovak]], the word ''meluzína'' refers to wailing wind, usually in the chimney. This is a reference to the wailing Melusine looking for her children.
*In June 2019, it was announced that Luxembourg's first [[petascale]] [[supercomputer]], a part of the [[European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking]] (EuroHPC JU) programme, is to be named "Meluxina".<ref>{{cite web |title=Le superordinateur luxembourgeois "Meluxina" fera partie du réseau européen EuroHPC |trans-title=Luxembourgish supercomputer "Meluxina" will be part of the EuroHPC European network |url=https://gouvernement.lu/fr/actualites/toutes_actualites/communiques/2019/06-juin/14-schneider-meluxina.html |website=gouvernement.lu |access-date=30 June 2019 |language=fr |date=14 June 2019}}</ref>
* The [[Starbucks]] logo is based on the melusine of [[heraldry]], depicted as a siren or mermaid with a crown and two tails.<ref>{{Cite news|url= https://abcnews.go.com/Business/starbucks-drops/story?id=12554345|publisher=[[ABC News]]|title= Can You Say 'Melusine?" Starbucks Will Explain |last=Woodard |first=Larry|date=6 January 2011|accessdate=28 April 2021}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.fastcompany.com/90157014/the-starbucks-logo-has-a-secret-youve-never-noticed
