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最新版 編集中の文章
122行目: 122行目:
** Jean d'Arras. Mélusine, roman du XIVe siècle, Louis Stouff, Dijon, Bernigaud & Privat, 1932, French, A scholarly edition of the important medieval French version of the legend by Jean d'Arras.
** Jean d'Arras. Mélusine, roman du XIVe siècle, Louis Stouff, Dijon, Bernigaud & Privat, 1932, French, A scholarly edition of the important medieval French version of the legend by Jean d'Arras.
** Otto J. Eckert, Luther and the Reformation, lecture, 1955, http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:-6AU_rXMR5gJ:www.wls.wels.net/library/Essays/Authors/E/EckertReformation/EckertReformation.pdf+Heraldry+Melusina&hl=en
** Otto J. Eckert, Luther and the Reformation, lecture, 1955, http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:-6AU_rXMR5gJ:www.wls.wels.net/library/Essays/Authors/E/EckertReformation/EckertReformation.pdf+Heraldry+Melusina&hl=en
** Proust, Marcel, C. K. Scott-Moncrieff, Within A Budding Grove, page190, year1996, isbn:9780099362319
* {{cite book |last=Proust |first=Marcel |translator-first=C. K. |translator-last=Scott-Moncrieff |title=Within A Budding Grove |page=190 |year=1996 |isbn=9780099362319}}
** Letitia Elizabeth Landon, Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book, 1835 (1834).<ref>Landon, firsetitia Elizabeth, Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book, 1835, https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Bzk_AAAAYAAJ&pg=GBS.PA57, poem, 1834, Fisher, Son & Co.</ref> The Fairy of the Fountains
* [[Letitia Elizabeth Landon]], Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book, 1835 (1834).<ref> {{cite book|last =Landon|firsetitia Elizabeth|title=Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book, 1835|url=https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Bzk_AAAAYAAJ&pg=GBS.PA57|section=poem|year=1834|publisher=Fisher, Son & Co.}}</ref> {{ws|[[s:Letitia Elizabeth Landon (L. E. L.) in Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book, 1835/The Fairy of the Fountains|The Fairy of the Fountains]]}}
** Anne DeLong, Mesmerism, Medusa and the Muse: The Romantic Discourse of Spontaneous Creativity, 2012, isbn:9780739170434
* {{cite book |first=Anne |last=DeLong |title=Mesmerism, Medusa and the Muse: The Romantic Discourse of Spontaneous Creativity |year=2012 |isbn=9780739170434}}
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