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最新版 編集中の文章
64行目: 64行目:
** Anthony Weir and James Jerman, ''Images of Lust: Sexual Carvings on Medieval Churches'', 1986.
** Anthony Weir and James Jerman, ''Images of Lust: Sexual Carvings on Medieval Churches'', 1986.
== 外部リンク ==
==External links==
* [http://www.beyond-the-pale.org.uk/zxBauboBeset.htm Examples of Baubo figurines]
* [http://www.beyond-the-pale.org.uk/zxBauboBeset.htm Examples of Baubo figurines]
* [http://www.theoi.com/Text/ClementExhortation1.html Baubo in Clement of Alexandria's Exhortation to the Greeks] The story of Baubo as related by [[Clement of Alexandria]].
* [http://www.theoi.com/Text/ClementExhortation1.html Baubo in Clement of Alexandria's Exhortation to the Greeks] The story of Baubo as related by [[Clement of Alexandria]].

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