== 神話と伝説 ==
[[File:Nadir Divan-begi Madrasa.jpg|thumb|300px|Mosaic of the mythical Huma bird on the ウズベキスタン、ブハラにあるナディール・ディバンベギ・マドラサの門(the portal of Nadir Divan-Begi Madrasa in [[Bukhara]], [[Uzbekistan]]Madrasa)に描かれた神話上の鳥「フマ」のモザイク画]]
The Huma bird is said to never come to rest, living its entire life flying invisibly high above the earth, and never alighting on the ground (in some legends it is said to have no legs).<ref name="Nile">{{citation|last=Nile|first=Green|title=Ostrich Eggs and Peacock Feathers: Sacred Objects as Cultural Exchange between Christianity and Islam|journal=Al Masaq: Islam and the Medieval Mediterranean|volume=18|issue=1|year=<!--March-->2006|pages=27–78|doi=10.1080/09503110500222328}}.</ref>