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== 語源 ==
Cathubodua is the name of a [[Gaulish]] [[goddess]] derived from a single inscription at [[Mieussy]] in [[Haute Savoie]], eastern [[France]],カトゥボドゥアは、フランス東部オート・サヴォワのミュッシーに残る一枚の碑文に由来するガリアの女神の名で<ref name="arbre" /> which actually reads ATHVBODVAE 、実際には「ATHVBODVAE AVG SERVILIA TERENTIA S L M.M」と記される<ref>{{cite book|title=The Ancient Irish Goddess of War |author=, W. M. Hennessey |date=, 1870 |url=, http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/aigw/aigw01.htm}}</ref>    Cathubodua is the name of a [[Gaulish]] [[goddess]] derived from a single inscription at [[Mieussy]] in [[Haute Savoie]], eastern [[France]], which actually reads ATHVBODVAE AVG SERVILIA TERENTIA S L M. The text's restitution as ''Cathubodua'' depends on the assumptions that an initial C has been lost<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Pictet |first=Adolphe |date=1868 |title=SUR UNE NOUVELLE DÉESSE GAULOISE DE LA GUERRE |url=https://www.jstor.org/stable/41733071 |journal=Revue Archéologique |volume=18 |pages=1–17 |jstor=41733071 |issn=0035-0737}}</ref> and that the personal names ATEBODVAE, ATEBODVVS and ATEBODVI in 3 other inscriptions in modern Austria and Slovenia<ref>''[[Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum|CIL]]'' III, 5247; ''CIL'' III, 4732; ''CIL'' III, 5386; [http://edh-www.adw.uni-heidelberg.de/offen/suchen2.html?hdnr=039253] {{webarchive |url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110719103520/http://edh-www.adw.uni-heidelberg.de/offen/suchen2.html?hdnr=039253 |date=July 19, 2011 }}</ref> are unrelated.
In the Gaulish language, the name Cathubodua is believed to mean ''battle-crow''.<ref>{{cite book |first=Georges |last=Dottin |author-link=Georges Dottin |year=1918 |title=La Langue Gauloise, Grammaire, Textes et Glossaire |location=Paris |publisher=Librairie C. Klincksieck |page=[https://archive.org/details/lalanguegauloise00dottuoft/page/235 235], 244 |url=https://archive.org/details/lalanguegauloise00dottuoft}}</ref><ref name="arbre">{{cite web |url=http://www.arbre-celtique.com/encyclopedie/cathubodua-4076.htm |title=Cathubodua |work=L'Arbre Celtique |access-date=13 May 2015 |year=2015}}</ref> Etymological lexical forms reconstructed in the [[University of Wales]]' [[Proto-Celtic]] lexicon, suggest that the name is likely to be ultimately derived from the Proto-Celtic *''Katu-bodwā'', a word that could be interpreted as ‘battle-fighting’.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.wales.ac.uk/documents/external/cawcs/pcl-moe.pdf |title=Proto-Celtic—English lexicon |publisher=[[University of Wales]] |work=Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20060202020346/http://www.wales.ac.uk/documents/external/cawcs/pcl-moe.pdf |archive-date=2 February 2006 |page=16 |date=12 June 2012 |access-date=27 May 2005 |url-status=live }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.wales.ac.uk/newpages/EXTERNAL/E4504.asp |title=Project 5: The Celtic Languages And Cultural Identity: A Multidisciplinary Synthesis |date=22 December 2014 |access-date=21 June 2019 |work=The [[University of Wales]] |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20070310203645/http://www.wales.ac.uk/newpages/EXTERNAL/E4504.asp |archive-date=10 March 2007 |url-status=live }}</ref> Nonetheless it is this second element *''bodwā'' which appears to be the Proto-Celtic root of the later form of the name [[Badhbh]].{{Citation needed|date=February 2007}} The masculine form *''bodwos'' ('fighting') developed in [[Goidelic languages|Gaelic]] into [[Bodb Derg|Bodb]].{{Citation needed|date=February 2007}}
