英語のロック(roc)は、アントワーヌ・ガラン(Antoine Galland)[3]のフランス語を経て、アラビア語のruḵḵ( Arabic: الرُخّ, ローマ字表記: ar-ruḫḫ)とペルシア語のruḵ(ペルシア語発音:[/rux/] )に由来する[4]。アラビア語、ペルシア語ともに、アラビア文字で「رخ」と表記される。一般的なローマ字表記は、アラビア語ではruḵḵ、ペルシア語ではruḵ, [4]rokh または rukh である。似ているようで、逆に主張されることもあるが、英語のrookとは関係ない言葉である。
美術史家のルドルフ・ウィットカウアー(Rudolf Wittkower)[5]によれば、ロック鳥の概念は、インドの太陽鳥ガルーダ[6]と神話の大蛇ナーガとの戦いの物語に起源を持つという。ガルーダがワニと戦っている象を倒すという神話は、『マハーバーラタ』(I.1353)と『ラーマーヤナ』(III.39)という二つのサンスクリット叙事詩に登場している。
のちの時代、マルコ・ポーロの『東方見聞録』のマダガスカルに関する記述の中に、現地人がルク(ruc)と呼ぶ大きな鳥が登場する[8]。彼はこれをグリフォンであるとし[9][10][11][12]、その羽は元のハーンに届けられたという。また巨大な羽のかけらが中国から来た商人によってスペインにも持ち込まれている。その住処をマダガスカルで探そうとしたところ、ロック鳥の羽としてもたらされたものに形が非常によく似たラフィアヤシ(Raffia palm|Raffia palm)の巨大な葉があったという。また、アラブの旅行家イブン=バットゥータの旅行記[13]にもその記述がある。
13世紀、マルコ・ポーロは次のように述べている(アッテンボロー(Attenborough)(1961: 32)より引用)。
In 1863, Bianconi suggested the roc was a raptor (Hawkins and Goodman, 2003: 1031). Recently a giant subfossil eagle, the Malagasy crowned eagle, identified from Madagascar was actually implicated as a top bird predator of the island, whose megafauna once included giant lemurs and pygmy hippopotamuses.[26]
Another possible origin of the myth is accounts of eggs of another extinct Malagasy bird, the enormous Aepyornis elephant bird, hunted to extinction by the 16th century, that was three meters tall and flightless.[27] There were reported elephant bird sightings at least in folklore memory as Étienne de Flacourt wrote in 1658.テンプレート:R Its egg, live or subfossilised, was known as early as 1420, when sailors to the Cape of Good Hope found eggs of the roc, according to a caption in the 1456 Fra Mauro map of the world, which says that the roc "carries away an elephant or any other great animal".[28][29] Between 1830 and 1840 European travelers in Madagascar saw giant eggs and egg shells. English observers were more willing to believe their accounts because they knew of the moa in New Zealand. In 1851 the French Academy of Sciences received three eggs. They and later fossils seemingly confirmed to 19th-century Europeans that Aepyornis was the roc, but the real bird does not resemble an eagle as the roc is said to.テンプレート:R
Another rationalizing theory is that the existence of rocs was postulated from the sight of the African ostrich, which, because of its flightlessness and unusual appearance, was mistaken for the chick of a presumably much larger species. There is, however, a claim that ostriches were known to Europeans in Biblical times due to a translation of the Old Testament.[30]テンプレート:Vn On the other hand, a medieval Northern European or Indian traveller, if confronted with tales about ostriches, might very well not have recognized them for what they were (compare History of elephants in Europe).テンプレート:Citation needed
In addition to Polo's account of the rukh in 1298, Chou Ch'ű-fei (周去非, Zhōu Qùfēi), in his 1178 book Lingwai Daida, told of a large island off Africa with birds large enough to use their quills as water reservoirs.[31] Fronds of the raffia palm may have been brought to Kublai Khan under the guise of roc's feathers.[32][33]
Some recent scholarsテンプレート:Who have compared the legendary roc with the Haast's eagle, of New Zealand. テンプレート:Convert long with a テンプレート:Convert wingspan, it became extinct around the 15th century, but probably inspired the Māori legend of Te Hokioi or Te Hakawai.[34] This was said to be a colorful huge bird which (in some versions of the legend) had occasionally descended to Earth to carry off humans to eat, but generally lived in the clouds unseen. Only its cry, after which it was named, could be heard. Indeed, the hokioi seems to be a composite mythical beast inspired by actual animals, just like the roc appears to have been. In the 1980s, it was found[35] that male Coenocorypha snipes, tiny nocturnal waders, produce an unexpectedly loud roaring sound with their tails during mating flights. The supposed coloration of the hokioi is not matched by any known bird, and generally would be extremely unusual for a bird of prey. Thus, as it seems likely that the hokioi was the eerie "drumming" of the snipes, explained with the ancestor's tales about the giant eagles which they still knew from living memory.
Religious tradition
Michael Drayton
Through the 16th century the existence of the roc could be accepted by Europeans. In 1604, Michael Drayton envisaged the rocs being taken aboard the Ark:
<poem>All feathered things yet ever knowne to men,
From the huge Rucke, unto the little Wren; From Forrest, Fields, from Rivers and from Pons, All that have webs, or cloven-footed ones; To the Grand Arke, together friendly came,
Whose severall species were too long to name.[36]</poem>
The rukh is also identified in the Ethiopian holy book Kebra Negast as the agent responsible for delivering the blessed piece of wood to Solomon which enabled the great king to complete Solomon's Temple. This piece of wood also is said to have transformed the Queen of Sheba's foot from that of a goat to that of a human. The piece of wood that the rukh brought was therefore given an honored place in the Temple and decorated with silver rings. According to tradition, these silver rings were given to Judas Iscariot as payment for betraying Jesus; the piece of wood became Jesus's cross.
See also
- Eagle (Middle-earth), the giant birds of J. R. R. Tolkien's tales
- List of fictional birds of prey
- Mount Qaf, the only place in this world where the roc will land[37]
- Roc (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Shahrokh
- Sinbad the Sailor
- Scaled Composites Stratolaunch, currently the largest airplane by wingspan, which carries the nickname Roc
- Wikipedia:Roc (mythology)
- Wikipedia:ロック鳥
- For a collection of legends about the roc, see Edward Lane's Arabian Nights, chap; xx. notes 22, 62
- Bochart, Samuel, Hierozoicon, vi.14
- Damfri, I. 414, ii. 177 seq.
- テンプレート:Aut (1658). Histoire de la grande île de Madagascar. Paris. New edition 2007, with Allibert C. notes and presentation, Paris, Karthala ed. 712 pages
- テンプレート:Aut (1994). "Description of a new species of subfossil eagle from Madagascar: Stephanoaetus (Aves: Falconiformes) from the deposits of Amphasambazimba," Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 107: 421–428.
- テンプレート:Aut (1988): The Hakawai. Notornis 35(3): 215–216. PDF fulltext
- テンプレート:Aut (1987): The identity of the hakawai. Notornis 34(2): 95–116. PDF fulltext
- テンプレート:Aut (2003) in テンプレート:Aut: The Natural History of Madagascar: 1019–1044. University of Chicago Press.
- Ibn Batuta, iv. 305ff
- Kazwini, i. ~I9 seq.
- テンプレート:Aut (2002). In search of the Red Slave: Shipwreck and Captivity in Madagascar. Sutton Publishing, Stroud, Gloucestershire.
- Spiegel, Friedrich, Eranische Alterthumskunde, ii. 118.
- Yule, Henyテンプレート:Verify source as above.
- Allibert C., Le monde austronésien et la civilisation du bambou: une plume qui pèse lourd: l'oiseau Rokh des auteurs arabes, in Taloha 11, Antananarivo, Institut de Civilisations, Musée d'Art et d'Archéologie, 1992: 167–181
Further reading
- Al-Rawi, Ahmed. "A Linguistic and Literary Examination of the Rukh Bird in Arab Culture." Al-'Arabiyya 50 (2017): 105–17. www.jstor.org/stable/26451398.
External links
- ↑ マリーン朝のモロッコ人の旅行家。1304-1368年。
- ↑ Noted in Yule-Cordier, Cathay and the Way Thither IV (1916:146), noted by Wittkower 1938.
- ↑ 『千夜一夜物語』をはじめて翻訳してヨーロッパに紹介した。1646-1715年。
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 roc /[phonetic transcription]/ n. Also (earlier) ✝roche, ✝rock, ✝ruc(k), ✝rukh. L16 [Sp. rocho, ruc f. Arab. ruḵḵ, f. Pers. ruḵ.] A mythical bird of Eastern legend, imagined as being of enormous size and strength (The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, Clarendon Press, Oxford, Volume 2 N-Z, 1993 edition, page 2614)
- ↑ ドイツの美術史家。1901-1971。
- ↑ Wittkower noted the identification of the roc and Garuda made in Kalipadra Mitra, "The bird and serpent myth", The Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society (Bangalore) 16 1925–26:189.
- ↑ 斉藤ヒロコ , 伝説の翼 #32ロック鳥 roc , 2014-08 , 文一総合出版 , BIRDER , 28 , 8 , page65
- ↑ 『完訳 東方見聞録 2』(2000)、322頁
- ↑ Le_Devisement_du_monde_(français_moderne)/Livre_3/Chapitre_40, Marco Polo, Le Devisement du monde, 3巻40章 , D’un très grand oiseau nommé ruc.
- ↑ Le_Devisement_du_monde_-_Livre_3_-_33_à_42, Marco Polo, Le Devisement du monde(français moderne), 3巻33章, D’un grand oyseau, appellé Ruc.
- ↑ Milione/186|author=Marco Polo, |Milione , 86章, DDell'isola di Madegascar
- ↑ The_Travels_of_Marco_Polo/Book_3/Chapter_33, Marco Polo, The Travels of Marco Polo , 3巻33章, Concerning the Island of Madeigascar
- ↑ تحفة النظار في غرائب الأمصار وعجائب الأسفار, ابن بطوطة
- ↑ شاهنامه|author=آخر تغيير
- ↑ ユダヤ人のラビ。イベリア半島北部のナバラ王国トゥデラに生まれ、1165年から1173年に地中海周辺地域、西アジア、アフリカ北部を訪れ、カスティーリャ王国で没した。1130頃-1173。
- ↑ M. Komroff, Contemporaries of Marco Polo 1928:311f.
- ↑ 1pace≓75ccm
- ↑ Ley , Willy , August 1966 , Scherazade's Island , For Your Information , https://archive.org/stream/Galaxy_v24n06_1966-08#page/n45/mode/2up , Galaxy Science Fiction , pages45–55
- ↑ ley196608
- ↑ イタリア人の航海者。1491-1534年。
- ↑ Or the Italian version in Giovanni Battista Ramusio|Ramusio's Delle navigationi et viaggi, mentioned in Rudolf Wittkower, "'Roc': An Eastern Prodigy in a Dutch Engraving" Journal of the Warburg Institute 1.3 (January 1938:255–257) p 255
- ↑ イタリアの画家。1523-1605年。
- ↑ An engraving after Stradanus is reproduced in Wittkower 1938:fig 33c.
- ↑ イタリアの博物学者。1522-1605年
- ↑ Illustrated in Wittkower 1938:33, fig. b.
- ↑ Goodman, 1994
- ↑ テンプレート:Cite book
- ↑ テンプレート:Cite book
- ↑ テンプレート:Cite book
- ↑ Job 39:13-18 - "The wings of the ostrich flap joyfully, though...NIV.{{{date}}} - via {{{via}}}.
- ↑ テンプレート:Cite book
- ↑ Yule's Marco Polo, bk. iii. ch. 33, and Academy, 1884, No. 620.
- ↑ Attenborough, D. (1961). Zoo Quest to Madagascar. Lutterworth Press, London. p.32-33.
- ↑ New Zealand Birds.{{{date}}} - via {{{via}}}.
- ↑ Miskelly (1987), Galbreath & Miskelly (1988)
- ↑ テンプレート:Cite book
- ↑ Mount Qaf – Mythology Dictionary.{{{date}}} - via {{{via}}}.