古王国時代[4]のピラミッド・テキストには、アトゥムのシンボルとして「bnw」が登場するが、これはベンヌの原型であった可能性がある。この言葉には鳥のヒエログリフが使われているが、それは間違いなくサギではなく、小さなさえずる鳥である。古い「エジプト語辞典」では、この小さなさえずる鳥をキセキレイではないかと推測しているが、明確な理由は記されていない[2]。しかし、ベルリンのエーゲ海博物館に所蔵されている古王国時代第5王朝のニウセルラー王[5]の太陽神殿から出土した石灰岩の浮彫り壁片に描かれている「bn.t」という単語の綴りに使われている鳥は、この鳥の壁画の体の大部分に青灰色の絵具の痕跡がはっきりと見られ、キセキレイとは別の種類の鳥であることは間違いない。形や色からして、むしろカワセミ(Alcedo atthis)のようだが、この鳥には「hn.t<y'= lit. hn.t<y'=『運河のもの』」という別の名前が使われていた。オレンジ色(茶色)は、本来この鳥の姿にはないものである。オレンジ色(茶色)は白い石灰岩の自然な汚れによるもので、鳥に塗られた青い絵の具の層の上にあることを示している。
The advantage of such bird identification might be, that a Kingfisher flying lowly over watery surfaces and shrieking loudly would be a reasonable mythical example for the creator deity Atum of Heliopolis as having risen from the first dark waters, called Nun, in order to start his creation of the world. If so, this Kingfisher 'bnw' or 'bn.t' is a good match for the mythical and cultic Nilegoose (Eg. 'smn')of the creator deity Amun in later periods, imagined to having been honking loudly in the primeval dark above the still waters in order to bring forth all creation by its voice.テンプレート:Cn
New Kingdom artwork shows Bennu as a huge grey heron with a long beak and a two-feathered crest. Sometimes Bennu is depicted as perched on a benben stone (representing Ra and the name of the top stone of a pyramid) or in a willow tree (representing Osiris). Because of the connection with Osiris, Bennu sometimes wears the Atef crown,[3] instead of the solar disk.
Possible animal model
In comparatively recent times, a large species of heron, now extinct, lived on the Arabian Peninsula. It shares many characteristics with Bennu. It may have been the animal after which Bennu was modeled by the ancient Egyptians during the New Kingdom.[6]
Like Atum and Ra, the Bennu was probably worshipped in their cult center at Heliopolis.[3] The deity also appears on funerary scarab amulets as a symbol of rebirth.[2]
Connection with the Greek phoenix
The Greek historian Herodotus, writing about Egyptian customs and traditions in the fifth century BC, wrote that the people at Heliopolis described the "phoenix" to him. They said it lived for 500 years before dying, resuscitating, building a funerary egg with myrrh for the paternal corpse, and carrying it to the temple of the Sun at Heliopolis.[7] His description of the phoenix likens it to an eagle with red and gold plumage, reminiscent of the sun.[3]
Long after Herodotus, the theme ultimately associated with the Greek phoenix, with the fire, pyre, and ashes of the dying bird developed in Greek traditions.
The name, "phoenix", could be derived from "Bennu" and its rebirth and connections with the sun resemble the beliefs about Bennu, however, Egyptian sources do not mention a death of the deity.[2]
Chosen as scientific name of the bird
Remains of a giant, human-sized heron species, thought to have gone extinct around 1500 BC, have been discovered in the United Arab Emirates.[8] That species may have been the animal model for the deity, Bennu, so archaeologist Dr. Ella Hoch from the Geological Museum at Copenhagen University named it the Bennu heron (Ardea bennuides).[9]
- ↑ dict.com, Bennu
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Hart , George , The Routledge Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses , Second , New York , Routledge , 2005 , pages:48–49 , isbn:0-415-34495-6
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Wilkinson , Richard H. , The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt , London , Thames & Hudson , 2003 , 212 , isbn:0-500-05120-8 , url-access:registration , https://archive.org/details/completegodsgodd00wilk_0/page/212
- ↑ 紀元前2686年頃 - 紀元前2185年前後。エジプト第3~第6王朝にかけて。
- ↑ 古王国時代第5王朝第6代ファラオ。統治期間 前2453〜2422年頃。
- ↑ テンプレート:Cite conference
- ↑ テンプレート:Cite journal
- ↑ WONDERS OF THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES.{{{date}}} - via {{{via}}}.
- ↑ GIANT BIRDS FROM THE TOMBS OF THE PHARAOHS.31 May 2016 - via {{{via}}}.