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彼女はハッティやパラの女神カタジウリと関係があり[11]、ヒッタイトとハッティの対訳テキストでは両者は対応しているが、名前は語源的には関連していない[12]。カムルセパは「雲の精」あるいは「煙の精」("Genius der Wolke/des Qualms")を意味すると思われるが[13]、彼女の名前の前半とヒッタイト語のkammara(「煙」)との関連は民間語源にすぎないかもしれない。一方カタジウリの名前は、カムルセパと無関係で、ヒッタイト語起源であり「大地の女王」を意味している[14]。ピエトロ・タラッカ(Piotr Taracha)は、パラ語資料において、カタジウリは単にカムルセパの蔑称として機能し、ハッティのコミュニティとの接触によってカムルセパに適用された可能性があると提唱した[15]

Her attribute was an iron throne.テンプレート:Sfn


Kamrušepa is already attested in the oldest texts from Kanesh.テンプレート:Sfn Later Hititte rituals preserve the association between her and this city.テンプレート:Sfn According to a prayer meant to prevent the spread of a plague, another location associated with her was Taniwanda.テンプレート:Sfn Despite her position in the pantheon and her prominence in myths, little information is available when it comes to specific rituals or festivals connected to her.テンプレート:Sfn

Her status was also high in Luwian religion.テンプレート:Sfn Piotr Taracha notes that there most likely was no single uniform Luwian pantheon, but certain deities, including Kamrušepa, as well as Tarhunt, Tiwad, Maliya, Arma, Iyarri, Santa and a variety of tutelary gods represented by the logogram LAMMA were worshiped by most Luwian communities.テンプレート:Sfn She is especially well attested in Luwian incantations from Kizzuwatna.テンプレート:Sfn

While she is one of the best attested goddesses in the Hittite pantheon of the Bronze Age, there is presently no evidence for her worship continuing in the first millennium BCE.テンプレート:Sfn


Kamrušepa appears in various Hittite myths. In Disappearance of Telipinu, she instructs the other gods how to ensure the eponymous vegetation deity's return after an initial attempt fails.テンプレート:Sfn The magical procedure she prepares involves an offering of twelve sheep taken from the herds of the sun god, which had to be taken to Ḫapantali,テンプレート:Sfn a Luwian shepherd goddess.テンプレート:Sfn A similar formula is known from a myth pertaining to the disappearance of the storm god.テンプレート:Sfn In at least one fragmentary version, the personified sea (Aruna) is tasked with bringing the offered sheep to the right place.テンプレート:Sfn Yet another fragment describes the solar god and Kamrušepa arguing with each other until they calm down by combing sheep together.テンプレート:Sfn

According to the Hittite text KUB 17 she was also the mother of Aruna.テンプレート:Sfn According to a local belief from Tauriša she and Tiwad, the Luwian sun god, were the parents of the city's tutelary god (LAMMA), referred to with the epithet wašḥazza ("sanctified" or "holy").テンプレート:Sfn His spouse was a youthful goddess named Aššiyant, "the beloved."テンプレート:Sfn





  1. Archi, 1993, p407
  2. Archi, 1993, pp407-408
  3. Taracha, 2009, pp114-115
  4. Taracha, 2009, p115
  5. Frantz-Szabó, 1980, p351
  6. Taracha, 2009, p150
  7. Taracha, 2009, p115
  8. Frantz-Szabó, 1980, p351
  9. Archi, 1993, p408
  10. Taracha, 2009, p114
  11. Taracha, 2009, p58
  12. Frantz-Szabó, 1980, p351
  13. Frantz-Szabó, 1980, p351
  14. Frantz-Szabó, 1980a, p478
  15. Taracha, 2009, p58