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パーンΠάνPān、/pæn/;[1] Ancient Greek: Πάν, romanized: Pán)は、ギリシア神話に登場する神の一柱で、野生、羊飼いと群れ、素朴な音楽と即興の神、そしてニンフの仲間である[2]アイギパーンΑἰγίπανAigipān, 「山羊のパーン」の意)とも呼ばれ、ローマ神話におけるファウヌスFaunus)と同一視される。





多くの現代学者は、パンはプロト・インド・ヨーロッパ語の神*Péh₂usōnに由来すると考えており、彼は重要な牧神であったと考えている[5](*Péh₂usōn は現代英語の "pasture" と語源を同じくする)[6]。リグ・ヴェーダの神プーシャンはパーンの同類と考えられている。パーンとプーシャンの関係は、1924年、ドイツの学者ヘルマン・コリッツによって初めて明らかにされた[7][8]。パーンという名前は、Πάωνから短縮されたもので、*peh₂-(番人、見張り)を語源とする[9]。エドウィン・L・ブラウンによれば、パーンという名前はおそらくギリシャ語のὀπάων「仲間」と同義語である[10]



パーンの崇拝はアルカディアで始まり、そこは常にパーンの主要な崇拝の場であった。アルカディアは山岳民族の地区で、他のギリシア人とは文化的に隔絶していた。アルカディアの狩人たちは、狩りに失敗すると、この神像を叱咤激励した[12][私注 1]




  • エーゴケルスAegocerus、古代ギリシャ語:Αἰγόκερως, ローマ字:Aigókerōs、「山羊の角を持つ」)は、パーンの諡号で、山羊の角を持つ姿の描写である[16]
  • リュテリウスLyterius 、古代ギリシャ語:Λυτήριος)、意味は解放者。トロエゼンに聖域があり、疫病の時に夢の中で病気に対する適切な治療法を明らかにしたと信じられていたため、この諡号を持つようになった[17]





パーンの系譜に関する記述は多岐にわたり、それは神話の時代の奥深くに埋もれているに違いない。パーンがアルテミスに狩猟犬を与え、アポローンに予言の秘密を教えたというのが事実なら、他の自然の精霊と同様、パーンはオリンポスの神々よりも古い存在であるように思われる。パンはパンズ(Burkert 1985, III.3.2; Ruck and Staples, 1994, p.132[31])やパニスコイ(Paniskoi)として掛け合わされるかもしれない。ケレニー (p. 174) は『スコリア』から、『アエスキルス』が『リサス』において二人のパーン、一人はゼウスの息子でアルカスの双子、もう一人はクロヌスの息子と区別したことを指摘している。「ディオニューソスの従者や、野生の風景画には、大きなパーンだけでなく、サテュロスと同じ役割を果たす小さなパーン、パニスコイも登場する。」




ヤギの神アイギパーンは、クレタ島でアマルティアが幼いゼウスとともに育てたものである。ゼウスとテューポーンとの戦いで、アイギパーンとヘルメースは、テューポーンがコリシアン洞窟に隠したゼウスの「筋」を奪い返した[34]。パーンは巨人との戦いで、恐ろしい悲鳴を上げ、巨人を恐怖のどん底に叩き落し、兄を助けた。エーギパンは父ではなく、パーンの息子であるという伝承もある。山羊座は伝統的に海ヤギ、つまり魚の尾を持つヤギとして描かれている(ヘカトンキレスの一つ、ブリアレオスという「ヤギのような」アイガイオン参照)。ヒュギーヌスの『詩的天文』[35] に「エジプト的」として報告されている神話(パーンと山羊座の関係を正当化するために創作されたと思われる)には、アイギパーン(山羊神の姿のパーン)[36]が怪物テューポーンに襲われたときナイル川に潜り、水の上の部分は山羊を保っていたが水の下は魚に変化していたと記されている。








複数の男性と性的関係を持った女性を "パーン・ガールズ "と呼んだ[43]


パンの怒号は、人里離れた場所での昼寝を妨げ、パニック(panikon deima)を引き起こした[44][45]。巨人がオリンポスを攻撃した後、パーンが攻撃者を怖がらせたので、神々が勝利したと主張された。マラトンの戦い(紀元前490年)において、パーンはアテネ軍を寵愛し、敵であるペルシャ軍の心にパニックを起こさせたと言われている[46]







Two other Pans were Agreus and Nomios. Both were the sons of Hermes, Agreus' mother being the nymph Sose, a prophetess: he inherited his mother's gift of prophecy, and was also a skilled hunter. Nomios' mother was Penelope (not the same as the wife of Odysseus). He was an excellent shepherd, seducer of nymphs, and musician upon the shepherd's pipes. Most of the mythological stories about Pan are actually about Nomios, not the god Pan. Although, Agreus and Nomios could have been two different aspects of the prime Pan, reflecting his dual nature as both a wise prophet and a lustful beast.

Aegipan, literally "goat-Pan," was a Pan who was fully goatlike, rather than half-goat and half-man. When the Olympians fled from the monstrous giant Typhoeus and hid themselves in animal form, Aegipan assumed the form of a fish-tailed goat. Later he came to the aid of Zeus in his battle with Typhoeus, by stealing back Zeus' stolen sinews. As a reward the king of the gods placed him amongst the stars as the Constellation Capricorn. The mother of Aegipan, Aix (the goat), was perhaps associated with the constellation Capra.

Sybarios was an Italian Pan who was worshipped in the Greek colony of Sybaris in Italy. The Sybarite Pan was conceived when a Sybarite shepherd boy named Krathis copulated with a pretty she-goat amongst his herds.

"The great god Pan is dead"

According to the Greek historian Plutarch (in De defectu oraculorum, "The Obsolescence of Oracles"),[50] Pan is the only Greek god who actually dies. During the reign of Tiberius (AD 14–37), the news of Pan's death came to one Thamus, a sailor on his way to Italy by way of the Greek island of Paxi. A divine voice hailed him across the salt water, "Thamus, are you there? When you reach Palodes,[51] take care to proclaim that the great god Pan is dead." Which Thamus did, and the news was greeted from shore with groans and laments.

Christian apologists, including Eusebius of Caesarea, have long made much of Plutarch's story of the death of Pan. Due to the word "all" in Greek also being "pan," a pun was made that "all demons" had perished.[52]

In Rabelais' Fourth Book of Pantagruel (16th century), the Giant Pantagruel, after recollecting the tale as told by Plutarch, opines that the announcement was actually about the death of Jesus Christ, which did take place at about the same time (towards the end of Tiberius' reign), noting the aptness of the name: "for he may lawfully be said in the Greek tongue to be Pan, since he is our all. For all that we are, all that we live, all that we have, all that we hope, is him, by him, from him, and in him."[53] In this interpretation, Rabelais was following Guillaume Postel in his De orbis terrae concordia.[54]

The 19th-century visionary Anne Catherine Emmerich, in a twist echoed nowhere else, claims that the phrase "the Great Pan" was actually a demonic epithet for Jesus Christ, and that "Thamus, or Tramus" was a watchman in the port of Nicaea, who, at the time of the other spectacular events surrounding Christ's death, was then commissioned to spread this message, which was later garbled "in repetition."[55]

In modern times, G. K. Chesterton has repeated and amplified the significance of the "death" of Pan, suggesting that with the "death" of Pan came the advent of theology. To this effect, Chesterton claimed, "It is said truly in a sense that Pan died because Christ was born. It is almost as true in another sense that men knew that Christ was born because Pan was already dead. A void was made by the vanishing world of the whole mythology of mankind, which would have asphyxiated like a vacuum if it had not been filled with theology."[56][57][58] It was interpreted with concurrent meanings in all four modes of medieval exegesis: literally as historical fact, and allegorically as the death of the ancient order at the coming of the new.テンプレート:Original research inline

In more modern times, some have suggested a possible naturalistic explanation for the myth. For example, Robert Graves (The Greek Myths) reported a suggestion that had been made by Salomon Reinach[59] and expanded by James S. Van Teslaar[60] that the sailors actually heard the excited shouts of the worshipers of Tammuz, テンプレート:Lang (テンプレート:Lang, "All-great Tammuz is dead!"), and misinterpreted them as a message directed to an Egyptian sailor named 'Thamus': "Great Pan is Dead!" Van Teslaar explains, "[i]n its true form the phrase would have probably carried no meaning to those on board who must have been unfamiliar with the worship of Tammuz which was a transplanted, and for those parts, therefore, an exotic custom."[61] Certainly, when Pausanias toured Greece about a century after Plutarch, he found Pan's shrines, sacred caves and sacred mountains still very much frequented. However, a naturalistic explanation might not be needed. For example, William Hansen[62] has shown that the story is quite similar to a class of widely known tales known as Fairies Send a Message.

The cry "The Great Pan is dead" has appealed to poets, such as John Milton, in his ecstatic celebration of Christian peace, On the Morning of Christ's Nativity line 89,[63] and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.[64]


Literary revival

In the late 18th century, interest in Pan revived among liberal scholars. Richard Payne Knight discussed Pan in his Discourse on the Worship of Priapus (1786) as a symbol of creation expressed through sexuality. "Pan is represented pouring water upon the organ of generation; that is, invigorating the active creative power by the prolific element."[65]

John Keats's "Endymion" (1818) opens with a festival dedicated to Pan where a stanzaic hymn is sung in praise of him. Keats's account of Pan's activities is largely drawn from the Elizabethan poets. Douglas Bush notes, "The goat-god, the tutelary divinity of shepherds, had long been allegorized on various levels, from Christ to 'Universall Nature' (Sandys); here he becomes the symbol of the romantic imagination, of supra-mortal knowledge.テンプレート:'"[66]

In the late 19th century Pan became an increasingly common figure in literature and art. Patricia Merivale states that between 1890 and 1926 there was an "astonishing resurgence of interest in the Pan motif".[67] He appears in poetry, in novels and children's books, and is referenced in the name of the character Peter Pan.[68] In the Peter Pan stories, Peter represents a golden age of pre-civilisation in both the minds of very young children, before enculturation and education, and in the natural world outside the influence of humans. Peter Pan's character is both charming and selfish emphasizing our cultural confusion about whether human instincts are natural and good, or uncivilised and bad. J. M. Barrie describes Peter as ‘a betwixt and between’, part animal and part human, and uses this device to explore many issues of human and animal psychology within the Peter Pan stories.[69]

Arthur Machen's 1894 novella The Great God Pan uses the god's name in a simile about the whole world being revealed as it really is: "seeing the Great God Pan". The novella is considered by many (including Stephen King) as being one of the greatest horror stories ever written.[70]

In an article in Hellebore magazine, Melissa Edmundson argues that women writers from the 19th century used the figure of Pan "to reclaim agency in texts that explored female empowerment and sexual liberation". In Eleanor Farjeon's poem "Pan-Worship", the speaker tries to summon Pan to life after feeling "a craving in me", wishing for a "spring-tide" that will replace the stagnant "autumn" of the soul. A dark version of Pan's seductiveness appears in Margery Lawrence's Robin's Rath, who both gives and takes life and vitality.

Pan is the eponymous "Piper at the Gates of Dawn" in the seventh chapter of Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows (1908). Grahame's Pan, unnamed but clearly recognisable, is a powerful but secretive nature-god, protector of animals, who casts a spell of forgetfulness on all those he helps. He makes a brief appearance to help the Rat and Mole recover the Otter's lost son Portly.

The goat-footed god entices villagers to listen to his pipes as if in a trance in Lord Dunsany's novel The Blessing of Pan (1927). Although the god does not appear within the story, his energy invokes the younger folk of the village to revel in the summer twilight, while the vicar of the village is the only person worried about the revival of worship for the old pagan god.

Pan is featured as a prominent character in Tom Robbins' Jitterbug Perfume (1984).

The British writer and editor Mark Beech of Egaeus Press published in 2015 the limited-edition anthology Soliloquy for Pan[71] which includes essays and poems such as "The Rebirthing of Pan" by Adrian Eckersley, "Pan's Pipes" by Robert Louis Stevenson, "Pan with Us" by Robert Frost, and "The Death of Pan" by Lord Dunsany. Some of the detailed illustrated depictions of Pan included in the volume are by the artists Giorgio Ghisi, Sir James Thornhill, Bernard Picart, Agostino Veneziano, Vincenzo Cartari, and Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.

Revival in music

Pan inspired pieces of classical music by Claude Debussy. Syrinx, written as part of incidental music to the play Psyché by Gabriel Mourey, was originally called "Flûte de Pan". Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune was based on a poem by Stéphane Mallarmé.

The British rock band Pink Floyd named its first album "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" in reference to Pan, as he appeared in The Wind in the Willows. Andrew King, Pink Floyd's manager, said Syd Barrett "thought Pan had given him an understanding into the way nature works. It formed into his holistic view of the world."[72]

Founding member of The Rolling Stones Brian Jones strongly identified with Pan.[72] He produced the live album Brian Jones Presents the Pipes of Pan at Joujouka, about a Moroccan festival that evoked the ancient Roman rites of Pan.

Musician Mike Scott of the Waterboys refers to Pan as the archetypal force within us all, and talks about his search of "The Pan Within", reflected in songs such as "The Return of Pan".[73]

Revived worship

In the English town of Painswick in Gloucestershire, a group of 18th-century gentry, led by Benjamin Hyett, organised an annual procession dedicated to Pan, during which a statue of the deity was held aloft, and people shouted "Highgates! Highgates!" Hyett also erected temples and follies to Pan in the gardens of his house and a "Pan's lodge", located over Painswick Valley. The tradition died out in the 1830s, but was revived in 1885 by the new vicar, W. H. Seddon, who mistakenly believed that the festival had been ancient in origin. One of Seddon's successors, however, was less appreciative of the pagan festival and put an end to it in 1950, when he had Pan's statue buried.[74]

Occultists Aleister Crowley and Victor Neuburg built an altar to Pan on Da'leh Addin, a mountain in Algeria, where they performed a magic ceremony to summon the god. In the final rite of the ritual playThe Rites of Eleusis, written by Crowley, Pan "pulls back the final veil, revealing the child Horus, who represents humanity's eternal and divine element.[73]"

A modern account of several purported meetings with Pan is given by Robert Ogilvie Crombie in The Findhorn Garden (Harper & Row, 1975) and The Magic of Findhorn (Harper & Row, 1975). Crombie claimed to have met Pan many times at various locations in Scotland, including Edinburgh, on the island of Iona and at the Findhorn Foundation.

Aeronautical engineer and occultist Jack Parsons invoked Pan before test launches at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.


In 1933, the Egyptologist Margaret Murray published the book The God of the Witches, in which she theorised that Pan was merely one form of a horned god who was worshipped across Europe by a witch-cult.[75] This theory influenced the Neopagan notion of the Horned God, as an archetype of male virility and sexuality. In Wicca, the archetype of the Horned God is highly important, as represented by such deities as the Celtic Cernunnos, the Hindu Pashupati, and the Greek Pan.

Identification with Satan

Pan's goatish image recalls conventional faun-like depictions of Satan. The similarities between conventional representations of Pan and the Devil were observed by the occultists Aleister Crowley[76] and Anton Szandor LaVey, the latter of whom said in The Satanic Bible:

Many pleasures revered before the advent of Christianity were condemned by the new religion. It required little change-over to transform the horns and cloven hooves of Pan into a most convincing devil! Pan’s attributes could neatly be changed into charged-with-punishment sins, and so the metamorphosis was complete.[77]

See also

テンプレート:Div col begin


External links







パーンがテューポーンに襲われた際に上半身が山羊、下半身が魚の姿になって逃げたエピソードは有名であるが、この姿は低きは海底から高きは山の頂上まで(山羊は高山動物であるため)世界のあらゆるところに到達できるとされ、「全て」を意味する接頭語 Pan(汎)の語源となったともいわれている。


パーンには、少なくとも原インド・ヨーロッパ語族時代においてはもう一つの名前があり、ローマ神話でのファウヌス(下記)であると考えられる。あるいは印欧比較神話学的な観点からはインドの牧羊神プーシャン(Pūṣán)と語源が共通しているという説もある。どちらにしても、パーンの血統をめぐる説がいくつもあることから、太古の神話的時代に遡る神であるに違いない。パーンがアルテミスに猟犬を与え、アポローンに予言の秘密を教えたというのが本当なら、他の自然の精霊と同じく、パーンはオリュンポス十二神よりも古いものにみえる。パーンはもともとアルカディアの神であって、パーンの主な崇拝者もアルカディア人だった。アルカディアはギリシア人の居住地であったが、この地のギリシア人はポリスを形成せず、より古い時代の村落共同体的な牧民の生活を送っていたので、オリュンポスの神域がパーンのパトロンになった時、ポリス生活を送る先進地帯のギリシア人は彼らのことを蔑視していた。アルカディアの猟師たちは狩りに失敗した時、パーンの像を鞭打ったものである(テオクリトス vii. 107)。

パーンは人気のない所で、突然、混乱と恐怖をもたらすことがあった(「パニック(Panic)」)(panikon deima)。











ギリシアの歴史家プルタルコスが『神託の堕落("The Obsolescence of Oracles" (『モラリア』5:17))』に書いたことを信じるならば、パーンはギリシアの神々の中で唯一死んだ。ティベリウスの御代にパーンの死というニュースがタムス(Thamus)の元に届いた。彼はパクソイ諸島経由でイタリアに向かう船の船員だったのだが、海上で神託を聞いた。「タムス、そこにおるか? Palodesに着いたなら、忘れず『パーンの大神は死したり』と宣告するのじゃ」と。その知らせは岸辺に不満と悲嘆をもたらした。

ロバート・グレイヴズは、『ギリシア神話』(The Greek Myths)の中でタムスは明らかに「Thamus Pan-megas Tethnece」(全てにして偉大なるタンムーズは死したり)を聞き誤ったのであると示唆している。実際、プルタルコスの後一世紀たった頃、地理家のパウサニアースがギリシアを旅した時、パーンを祀る祠や洞、聖なる山を尚もしばしば見た。



ローマ神話でパーンに対応するのはファウヌス(Faunus)である。ファウヌスはニュムペーのマリーカ(Marīca)(時にファウヌスの母ともいわれる)との間にボナ・デア(Bona Dea. 本名は女神ファウナFaunaまたはファウラFaulaであるという。ファウヌスの女性側面)及びラティーヌス(Latīnus)をもうけた父親として知られている。


神話においては、ファウヌスはエウアンドロスがアルカディアから来たとき、ラティウム地方(Latium)の王で、ピークス王(Pīcus)とカネーンス(Canēns)の子だった。死後にファートゥウス(Fātuus)神として崇拝された。儀式は神聖な森の中で行われ、現在のティヴォリ(Tivoli)、エトルリア時代以来ティブール(Tibur)、Tiburtine Sibylの座として知られていた地のはずれにその森はあった。ファウヌス自身を象徴する彼の持ち物は狼の毛皮、花や草で作った冠、ゴブレットである。


Erotic art in Pompeii and Herculaneumも参照のこと。





  1. パーンは狩りの豊穣をもたらす神でもあったことが分かる。


  1. "Pan" (Greek mythology) entry in Collins English Dictionary.
  2. Edwin L. Brown, "The Lycidas of Theocritus Idyll 7", Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 1981:59–100.
  3. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/andr.12599, doi:10.1111/andr.12599, Gods associated with male fertility and virility, 2019, Neto F. T. L., Bach P. V., Lyra R. J. L. |, Borges Junior J. C., MaiaG. T. d. S., Araujo L. C. N., Lima S. V. C., Andrology, volume7, issue3, pages267–272, pmid:30786174, s2cid=:73507440
  4. The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft, Hutton, Ronald, chapter 3
  5. Mallory J. P., Adams D. Q., The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European World, 2006, Oxford University Press, Oxford, England, isbn:978-0-19-929668-2, page:434
  6. "*pa-". Online Etymology Dictionary.
  7. H. Collitz, "Wodan, Hermes und Pushan," Festskrift tillägnad Hugo Pipping pȧ hans sextioȧrsdag den 5 November 1924 1924, pp 574–587.
  8. R. S. P. Beekes, Etymological Dictionary of Greek, Brill, 2009, p. 1149.
  9. https://books.google.com/books?id=ZXrJA_5LKlYC, Indo-European Poetry and Myth, West, M. L., 2007-05-24, OUP Oxford, isbn:978-0-19-928075-9, pages282
  10. Edwin L. Brown, "The Divine Name 'Pan'", Transactions of the American Philological Association 107 (1977:57–61), notes (p. 59) that the first inscription mentioning Pan is a 6th-century dedication to ΠΑΟΝΙ, a "still uncontracted" form.
  11. Gutenberg, no.10717, The Extant Odes of Pindar. See note 5 to Pythian Ode III, "For Heiron of Syracuse, Winner in the Horse-race."
  12. Theocritus. vii. 107
  13. Horbury William, Jewish Inscriptions of Graeco-Roman Egypt, 1992, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, isbn:978-0-521-41870-6, page208, https://books.google.com/books?id=cCRC-wTphoYC&pg=PA208
  14. Sear, David R. (1978). Greek Coins and Their Values . Volume I: Europe (pp. 168–169). Seaby Ltd., London. ISBN:0 900652 46 2
  15. Altar to Greek god found in wall of Byzantine church raises questions
  16. Lucan, ix. 536; Lucretius, v. 614.
  17. A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, Lyterius
  18. W. H. Roscher, Ausführliches Lexikon der Gr. u. Röm. Mythologie (1909:1379f) finds eighteen variants for Pan's genealogy.
  19. Cicero, De Natura Deorum 3.22.56
  20. Hyginus, Fabulae 224
  21. Herodotus, Histories(2.145)
  22. Nonnus, Dionysiaca 14.92
  23. Pindar, Fr. 90 (Bowra)
  24. Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 1.4.1 and e.7.38
  25. Pausanias, Description of Ancient Greece 8.12.5
  26. Footnote in the Library by Apollodorus (of Athens), edited by E. Capps PhD, LL.D.; T. E. Page, Litt.D.; W. H. D. Rouse, Litt.d.; Webster Collection of Social Anthropology, p. 305
  27. Robert Graves. The Greek Myths, section 26 s.v. Pan's Nature And Deeds
  28. The Homeric Hymn to Pan provides the earliest example of this wordplay, suggesting that Pan's name was born from the fact that he delighted "all" the gods.
  29. Eliade, Mircea (1982) A History of Religious Ideas Vol. 2. University of Chicago Press. § 205.
  30. In the second-century "Hieronyman Theogony', which harmonized Orphic themes from the theogony of Protogonos with Stoicism, he is Protogonos, Phanes, Zeus and Pan; in the Orphic Rhapsodies he is additionally called Metis, Eros, Erikepaios and Bromios. The inclusion of Pan seems to be a Hellenic syncretization (West, M. L. (1983) The Orphic Poems. Oxford:Oxford University Press. p. 205).
  31. Pan "even boasted that he had slept with every maenad that ever was—to facilitate that extraordinary feat, he could be multiplied into a whole brotherhood of Pans."
  32. ヘロドートスは紀元前485年頃に生まれたので、彼の計算ではパーンは1285年頃に生まれたことになる。ギリシャの古代学者が推定するトロイア戦争よりも「早く」、エラトステネスが推定する年代よりも1世紀前になる。
  33. Herodotus, Histories II.145
  34. 「この物語の中で、エルメスは明らかに場違いな存在だ。 He was one of the youngest sons of Zeus and was brought into the story only because... he was a master/thief. The real participant in the story was Aigipan: the god Pan, that is to say. in his quality of a goat (aix). (Kerenyi, p. 28). Kerenyi points out that Python of Delphi had a son Aix (Plutarch, Moralia 293c) and detects a note of kinship betrayal.
  35. Hyginus, Poetic Astronomy 2.18: see Theony Condos, Star Myths of the Greeks and Romans 1997:72.
  36. Kerenyi, p. 95.
  37. Dio Chrysostom, Discourses, vi. 20.
  38. Hard, p. 46; Gantz, p. 36; Kerenyi, pp. 175, 196; Grimal, s.v. Selene; Virgil, Georgics 3.391–93 has Pan capturing and deceiving Luna with the gift of a fleece; Servius, Commentary on the Georgics of Vergil 391 ascribes to the Greek poet Nicander an earlier account that Pan wrapped himself in a fleece to disguise himself as a sheep..
  39. Smith s.v. Pitys
  40. Libanius, Progymnasmata, 1.4
  41. Cohen, pp 169-170
  42. Also testified by Clement in Homilies 5.16. Clement, a Christian pope, was trying to discredit pagans and their beliefs in his works, however other finds seem to support this particular claim.
  43. Lane Fox, Robin, 1988, Pagans and Christians, London, Penguin Books, page130, isbn:0-14-009737-6
  44. http://www.knowledgerush.com/kr/encyclopedia/Pan_%28mythology%29/, Pan (mythology) – Discussion and Encyclopedia Article. Who is Pan (mythology)? What is Pan (mythology)? Where is Pan (mythology)? Definition of Pan (mythology). Meaning of Pan (mythology), Knowledgerush.com, 2012-08-13, https://web.archive.org/web/20121010181338/http://www.knowledgerush.com/kr/encyclopedia/Pan_(mythology)/, 10 October 2012
  45. Robert Graves,The Greek Myths, p.101
  46. Pan (mythology), Pan, volume20, pages662–663
  47. Hyginus, Fabulae, 191 (on-line source).
  48. Ovid, Metamorphoses, 11.146ff (on-line source).
  49. Ovid, Metamorphoses XI: 146-194
  50. Moralia, Book 5:17.
  51. "Where or what was Palodes?".
  52. テンプレート:Cite book
  53. François Rabelais, Fourth Book of Pantagruel (Le Quart Livre), Chap. 28 [1].
  54. Guillaume Postel, De orbis terrae concordia, Book 1, Chapter 7.
  55. テンプレート:Cite book
  56. G.K. Chesterton, "The End of the World", The Everlasting Man, 1925
  57. テンプレート:Cite book
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  59. Reinach, in Bulletin des correspondents helleniques 31 (1907:5–19), noted by Van Teslaar.
  60. Van Teslaar, "The Death of Pan: a classical instance of verbal misinterpretation", The Psychoanalytic Review 8 (1921:180–83).
  61. Van Teslaar 1921:180.
  62. William Hansen (2002) "Ariadne's thread: A guide to international tales found in classical literature" Cornell University Press. pp.133–136
  63. Kathleen M. Swaim, "'Mighty Pan': Tradition and an Image in Milton's Nativity 'Hymn'", Studies in Philology 68.4 (October 1971:484–495)..
  64. See Corinne Davies, "Two of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Pan poems and their after-life in Robert Browning's 'Pan and Luna'", Victorian Poetry 44,.4, (Winter 2006:561–569).
  65. Payne-Knight, R. Discourse on the Worship of Priapus, 1786, p.73
  66. Barnard, John. John Keats : The Complete Poems, p. 587, ISBN 978-0-14-042210-8
  67. Merivale, Patricia. Pan the Goat-God: his Myth in Modern Times, Harvard University Press, 1969, p.vii.
  68. テンプレート:Cite book
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  72. 72.0 72.1 テンプレート:Cite journal
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  74. Hutton, Ronald. The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft pp 161–162
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  77. テンプレート:Cite book
  78. 78.0 78.1 木村点 『早わかりギリシア神話』 日本実業出版社