ロスメルタという名前はガリア語で、ro-smert-aと分析される。Smertは「提供者」「世話役」を意味し、Ad-smerio, Smertu-litani, Smerius (Σμερο), Smertae, Smertusなど、ガリア人の名前にも見られる[1]。Ro-はRo-bili(「最も良い」)やRo-cabalus(「偉大な馬」)に見られるように、「非常に」「偉大な」「最も」という意味の修飾語である[2]。語尾の-aは典型的なガリア語の女性単数主格である。つまり、「偉大なる供給者」という意味である。
Rosmerta is shown by herself on a bronze statue from Fins d'Annency (Haute-Savoie), where she sits on a rock holding a purse and, unusually, also bears the wings of Mercury on her head. A stone bas-relief from Escolives-Sainte-Camilleテンプレート:Sfnp shows her holding both a patera and a cornucopia.
Twenty-seven inscriptions to Rosmerta are listed by Jufer and Luginbühl,テンプレート:Sfnp distributed in France, Germany and Luxembourg, corresponding mainly to the Roman provinces of Gallia Belgica and Germania Superior. An additional two inscriptions are known, one from Roman Dacia.[6]
An inscription from Metz[7] is a dedication (votum) to Mercury and Rosmerta jointly. Another from Eisenberg was made by a decurion in fulfillment of a vow to the couple jointly.[8]
In two inscriptions[9] both from Gallia Belgica, Rosmerta is given the epithet sacra, sacred. A lengthier inscription from Wasserbillig in Gallia Belgica[10] associates the divine couple with the dedication of a shrine (aedes), with "hospitable" rites to be celebrated.[11]
See also
- Année Epigraphique volumes 1967, 1987, 1998
- Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL), volume 13, Tres Galliae ("The Three Gauls")
- テンプレート:Cite book
- テンプレート:Cite book
- テンプレート:Cite book
- ↑ Delamarre, 2003, page277
- ↑ Delamarre, 2003, pages261–262
- ↑ 現在のフランスの都市
- ↑ Deyts, 1992, page119
- ↑ AE, 1905, 58
- ↑ テンプレート:AE
- ↑ テンプレート:CIL
- ↑ Deo Mercu(rio) / et Rosmer(tae) / M(arcus) Adiuto/rius Mem/{m}or d(ecurio) c(ivitatis) St() / [po]s(uit) l(ibens) m(erito) ("Marcus Adiutorius Memor, a decurion of the civitas St… has deposited [this votive] willingly, as is deserved"). The name of the civitas, the Celtic community, is presumably obscured. The latter phrase is a variation on the standard votum solvit libens merito, in which the person making the dedication declares that he "has released his vow willingly, as is deserved," often abbreviated as V.S.L.M.
- ↑ テンプレート:CIL and テンプレート:CIL.
- ↑ テンプレート:CIL
- ↑ Deo Mercurio [et deae Ros]/mertae aedem c[um signis orna]/mentisque omn[ibus fecit] / Acceptus tabul[arius VIvir] / Augustal[is donavit?] / item hospitalia [sacror(um) cele]/brandorum gr[atia pro se libe]/risque suis ded[icavit 3] / Iulias Lupo [et Maximo co(n)s(ulibus)].