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ジズ(ヘブライ語: זיז)は、ユダヤ神話に登場する巨大なグリフィンのような鳥で、その翼幅で太陽を遮ることができるほど大きかったと言われている。



聖書には、ジズについての言及はほんの少ししかない。詩篇50:11には「わたしは山のすべての鳥を知り、Zīz śāday(וְזִיז שָׂדַי)はわたしのもの」とあり、詩篇80.11には、「森から来た猪がそれを荒らし、Zīz śādayがそれを食べる。」とある。これらは翻訳でしばしば失われ、ほとんどの英訳では曖昧な「」として呼ばれ、特異でも鳥でもないものとして言及されている[1]。ユダヤ教のアガドーは、ジズについてこう言っている[2]

あるとき、船に乗っていた旅人たちが一羽の鳥に気づいた。鳥が水中に立つと、足元が覆われるだけで、頭は空に達していた。その時、目撃者達は水深がないはずだと思い、そこで水浴びの準備をした。天の声が彼らに警告を発した。"ここに降りてはならぬ! かつて、この場所で大工の斧が手から滑り落ち、底につくまで7年かかった。」旅人たちが見た鳥は、ジズという鳥だった。その翼は巨大で、広げると太陽を暗くしてしまうほどだった。ジズは南の嵐から大地を守っており、その助けなしには、大地は南から吹く風に対抗することができない。あるとき、ジズの卵が地面に落ちて割れてしまった。その液体は60の都市を浸水させ、衝撃は300本の杉を粉砕した。幸いなことに、このような事故は頻繁に起こるわけではない。鳥は卵を静かに巣の中に滑り込ませるのが原則だからだ。

This one mishap was because the egg was rotten, and the bird cast it away carelessly.

The Ziz has another name, Renanin, because he is the celestial singer. On account of his relation to the heavenly regions he is also called Sekwi, the seer, and, besides, he is called "son of the nest," because his fledgling birds break away from the shell without being hatched by the mother bird; they spring directly from the nest, as it were. Like Leviathan, so Ziz is a delicacy to be served to the pious at the end of time, to compensate them for the privations which abstaining from the unclean fowls imposed upon them. [...] The creation of the fifth day, the animal world, rules over the celestial spheres. Witness the Ziz, which can darken the sun with its pinions.[4][5]}}

Non-Jews also knew of the Ziz. Johannes Buxtorf's 1603 Synagoga Judaica discusses the Ziz.[6] His text is echoed in English by Samuel Purchas in 1613:[7]

Elias Leuita reporteth of a huge huge bird, also called Bariuchne, to be rosted at this feast; of which the Talmud saith, that an egge sometime falling out of her nest, did ouerthrow and breake downe three hundred tall Cedars; with which fall the egge being broken, ouerflowed and carried away sixtie Villages... But to take view of other strange creatures, make roome, I pray, for another Rabbi with his Bird; and a great deale of roome you will say is requisite: Rabbi Kimchi on the 50. Psalme auerreth out of Rabbi Iehudah, that Ziz is a bird so great, that with spreading abroad his wings, he hideth the Sunne, and darkeneth all the world. And (to leape back into the Talmud) a certaine Rabbi sayling on the Sea, saw a bird in the middle of the Sea, so high, that the water reached but to her knees; whereupon he wished his companions there to wash, because it was so shallow; Doe it not (saith a voyce from heauen) for it is seuen yeares space since a Hatchet, by chance falling out of a mans hand in this place, and alwayes descending, is not yet come at the bottome.

Humphrey Prideaux in 1698 describes the Ziz as being like a giant celestial rooster:

For in the Tract Bava Bathra of the Babylonish Talmud, we have a Story of such a prodigious Bird, called Ziz, which standing with his Feet upon the Earth, reacheth up unto the Heavens with his head, and with the spreading of his Wings darkneth the whole Orb of the Sun, and causeth a total Eclipse thereof. This Bird the Chaldee Paraphrast on the Psalms says, is a Cock, which he describes of the same bigness, and tells us that he crows before the Lord. And the Chaldee Paraphrast on Job also tells us of him, and of his crowing every morning before the Lord, and that God giveth him Wisdom for this purpose.[8]




  1. 1.0 1.1 Wazana , Nili , Anzu and Ziz: Great Mythical Birds in Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, and Rabbinic Traditions , Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society, 2008 , 31 , 111–135p , http://www.jtsa.edu/Documents/pagedocs/JANES/2009/Wazana_JANES31.pdf , 26 November 2012(リンク切れ:22-04-09)
  2. アガドー(Aggadah)とは、ユダヤ教の古典ラビ文学、特にタルムードとミドラシュに出て来る非法律上の説話である。一般に、アガドーは、民話、歴史的逸話、道徳的勧告、ビジネスから医療まで様々な領域での実用的なアドバイスが盛り込まれたラビのテキストの大要である。(Wikipedia:Aggadahより)
  3. ジズは雄のようである。
  4. テンプレート:Cite book
  5. テンプレート:Cite book
  6. テンプレート:Cite book
  7. テンプレート:Cite book
  8. テンプレート:Cite book