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22行目: 22行目:
| Sith co nem.<br>Nem co doman.<br>Doman fo ním,<br>nert hi cach,<br>án forlann,<br>lan do mil,<br>mid co saith.<br>Sam hi ngam...
| Sith co nem.<br>Nem co doman.<br>Doman fo ním,<br>nert hi cach,<br>án forlann,<br>lan do mil,<br>mid co saith.<br>Sam hi ngam...
| 天まで届く平和。<br>天から地へ。<br>天の下に地あり。<br>それぞれの強さ。<br>A cup very full,<br>Full of honey;<br>Mead in abundance.<br>Summer in winter...
| 天まで届く平和。<br>天から地へ。<br>天の下に地あり。<br>それぞれの強さ。<br>カップはとても満たされている。<br>蜂蜜が溢れ、<br>蜂蜜酒は豊富だ。<br>Summer in winter...

2023年2月10日 (金) 15:22時点における版

フランスオート=サヴォワ県 ミウシーで発見された、カトゥボドゥア(Cathubodua)へと捧げられた碑文 (CIL XII, 2571)


アイルランド神話では、バズヴ(古語、発音:[ˈbaðβ])、または現代アイルランド語のバドブ(アイルランド語発音:[ˈbˠəu]、マンスター語:[ˈbˠəiw] )は、「烏」という意味で、烏を模した戦女神で「バドブ・カータ(「戦烏」)という別名もある[1]。彼女は兵士に恐怖と混乱を与え、戦況を有利に運ぶことで知られている。また、バズヴは戦いの前に現れて、これから起こる殺戮の程度を予言したり、注目すべき人物の死を予言したりすることもある。そのため、バンシーと比較されることもあった。



アイルランドの伝説では、バッブは戦争と死に関連しており、差し迫った流血を予感させるために現れたり、戦いに参加して兵士の間に混乱をもたらしたりしている。バズヴは運命の前触れとして、さまざまな姿で登場する。『Togail Bruidne Dá Derga』では、醜い老婆の姿をしており、コナ・モールの没落を予言する[5]。『Togail Bruidne Dá Choca』にも同様の姿で登場し、コーマック・コンドロイングの殺害を予言している。また、「浅瀬の洗濯女」の姿でも登場し、死の前兆とされる浅瀬でコーマックの戦車と馬具を洗う女性の姿も見せている[5][6]。バズヴの鳴き声もまた、不吉な予兆なのだろう。コーマックの死が間近に迫っていることは、「口の赤いバズヴは家の中で泣きわめき、/死体のために気をもむだろう」、「青白いバズヴは悲鳴をあげるだろう」という言葉で予兆されているのである[7]。この役割において、彼女は豆シデと共通点が多い[8]



中世アイルランド語 [819-820][3] 近代英語[12]
Sith co nem.
Nem co doman.
Doman fo ním,
nert hi cach,
án forlann,
lan do mil,
mid co saith.
Sam hi ngam...
Summer in winter...

Then she delivers a prophecy of the eventual end of the world, "foretelling every evil that would be therein, and every disease and every vengeance. Wherefore then she sang this lay below.":[4]

Middle Irish [831-832,833,837-840][13] Modern English[14]
Ni accus bith nombeo baid:
sam cin blatha,
beti bai cin blichda,

mna can feli
fir gan gail.
Gabala can righ...

feda cin mes.
Muir can toradh.

sen saobretha.
Brecfásach mbrithiom-

cech fer.
Foglaid cech mac.
Ragaid mac i lligie a athar.

athair a lligi a meic.
Cliamain cach a brathar.
Ni sia nech mnai assa

olc aimser
immera mac a athair,
imera ingen...

I shall not see a world which will be dear to me:
Summer without blossoms,
Cattle will be without milk,

Women without modesty,
Men without valour.
Conquests without a king...

Woods without mast.[15]
Sea without produce...

False judgements of old men.
False precedents of lawyers,
Every man

a betrayer.
Every son a reaver.
The son will go to the bed of his father,
The father

will go to the bed of his son.
Each his brother's brother-in-law.
He will not seek any woman outside his

An evil time,
Son will deceive his father,
Daughter will deceive...


Badb is often identified as one of the Morrígna, a trio of Irish war goddesses, although there exist a number of conflicting accounts on this subject. In Lebor Gabála Érenn, Badb, Macha and Morrígan make up the Morrígna trinity and are named as daughters of the farming goddess Ernmas.[2] According to this version, she is also the sister of Ériu, Banba and Fódla, the three matron goddesses of Ireland, who give their names to the land.[2] Other accounts identify the trio as daughters of the druid Cailitin and his wife.

Lebor Gabála Érenn also states that Badb is one of the two wives of the war god Neit.[2] Less commonly, she has been described as the wife of the Fomorian king Tethra.[8]

Similar deities

In her role as a terrifying battlefield goddess and harbinger of doom, Badb closely resembles Nemain. Like Badb, Nemain is identified as a wife of Neit. Writers have sometimes used their names interchangeably, suggesting that they may in fact be a single goddess.[8] On the other hand, W. M. Hennessy notes that Badb and Nemain were said to have different sets of parents, suggesting that they may not be entirely identical figures.[7]

Badb also appears to be closely related to the Gaulish goddess Catubodua, or Bodua.[8]


Pointing to variants such as Irish badhbh 'hoodie crow, a fairy, a scold,' Early Irish badb, 'crow, demon,' Badba, Welsh bod, 'kite,' the Gaulish name Bodv-, in Bodvo-gnatus and the Welsh name Bodnod, Macbain (1982) suggests *bodwā- as the Proto-Celtic ancestral form. However, Julius Pokorny (1959:203) suggests *badwā- on the basis of similar data. Both MacBain (1982) and Julius Pokorny (1959:203) correlate the element with Norse böð, genitive boðvar, 'war,' and Anglo-Saxon beadu, genitive beadwe, 'battle,' suggesting that the word originally denoted 'battle' or 'strife.' Julius Pokorny (1959:203) presents the element as an extended form of the Proto-Indo-European root *bhedh- 'pierce, dig.' To this root Pokorny also links the Sanskrit bádhate, 'oppress,' and the Lithuanian bádas, 'famine'.

W. M. Hennessy argues that the word bodb or badb originally meant rage, fury, or violence, and came to mean a witch, fairy, or goddess, represented in folklore by the scald-crow, or royston-crow.[7] Peter O'Connell's 1819 Irish Dictionary defines the Badb as a "bean-sidhe, a female fairy, phantom, or spectre, supposed to be attached to certain families, and to appear sometimes in the form of squall-crows, or royston-crows" and badb-catha as "Fionog, a royston-crow, a squall crow". Other entries relate to her triple nature: "Macha, i. e. a royston-crow; Morrighain, i. e. the great fairy; Neamhan, i. e. Badb catha nó feannóg; a badb catha, or royston-crow."[16]

See also




バズヴの名は「」を意味し、しばしば彼女は物語の中でズキンガラスの姿をとって現れる。バズヴ・カタ(Badhbh Cath)とも呼ばれ、こちらは「戦いのカラス」を意味する。バズヴ・カタと名前の似た神カトゥボドゥア(Cathubodua)に捧げられた碑文が大陸で発見されているが[17]、この神とバズヴとは同源の可能性があると考えられている[18]

彼女はCalatin、あるいはエルンワス(Ernmas)の娘である。夫はネード(Neit)であるが、時にテスラ (ケルト神話)(Tethra)ともされる[18]





  • Wikipedia:バズヴ(最終閲覧日:23-02-04)
    • MacKillop James, A Dictionary of Celtic Mythology, 2004, Oxford University Press, isbn:9780198609674
    • Evans-Wentz Walter, Walter Evans-Wentz, The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries, 1911, Oxford University Press



  1. http://www.dil.ie/5114 badb, Author: Royal Irish Academy
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Macalister, R.A.S. (trans.), Lebor Gabála Érenn: Book of the Taking of Ireland Part 1-5, Irish Texts Society, 1941, Dublin
  3. 3.0 3.1 Cath Maige Tuired: The Second Battle of Mag Tuired, Text 166, Author: Unknown
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Elizabeth A. Gray (ed. & trans.), Cath Maige Tuired: The Second Battle of Mag Tuired, section 167, 1982
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Koch, John T., Celtic Culture: a historical encyclopedia, ABC-CLIO, December 2005, Santa Barbara, Calif., page220 , isbn:978-1-85109-440-0
  6. Davidson, Hilda Ellis, Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe: early Scandinavian and Celtic Religions, Syracuse University Press, 1988, Syracuse, NY, page99, isbn:978-0-8156-2441-7
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Hennessy, W. M., "The Ancient Irish Goddess of War", Revue Celtique 1, 1870–72, pp. 32–37
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Mackillop, James, A Dictionary of Celtic Mythology, Oxford University Press, 2004, New York, page30, isbn:978-0-19-860967-4
  9. Sjoestedt, Mary-Louise, Celtic Gods and Heroes, Dover Publications, 2000, Mineola, NY, page32, isbn: 978-0-486-41441-6 (reissue of Gods and Heroes of the Celts. London: Methuen, 1949)
  10. Fraser, J. (ed. & trans.), "The First Battle of Moytura", https://web.archive.org/web/20090504180957/http://www.maryjones.us/ctexts/1maghtured.html, 4 May 2009, Ériu 8, pp. 1–63, 1915
  11. Leeming, David, The Oxford Companion to World Mythology, Oxford University Press, November 2007, New York, isbn:978-0-19-515669-0, registration, https://archive.org/details/oxfordcompaniont0000leem
  12. Part 168 of Cath Maige Tuired: The Second Battle of Mag Tuired, http://celt.ucc.ie/published/T300010/text168.html%7Cwebsite=celt.ucc.ie, 29 August 2017
  13. Part 168 of Cath Maige Tuired: The Second Battle of Mag Tuired.{{{date}}} - via {{{via}}}.
  14. Part 169 of Cath Maige Tuired: The Second Battle of Mag Tuired.{{{date}}} - via {{{via}}}.
  15. (n2) "fallen nuts or acorns serving as food for animals" on etymonline.com
  16. Walter Yeeling Evans-Wentz, The Fairy-faith in Celtic Countries, 1911, pp. 304–305
  17. Athuboduae / Aug(ustae) / Servilia Teren/tia v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (CIL:12:2571:)
    I(n) h(onorem) d(omus) d(ivinae) / Victoriae / [C]assi[b]oduae / [ (CIL:13:4525)
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 MacKillop, 2004. "Badb"
  19. Evans-Wentz, 1911, page305
  20. Evans-Wentz, 1911, page305