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720 バイト追加 、 2022年12月9日 (金) 18:25
ガロ・ローマ時代の宗教では、'''スメルトリオス'''(Smertrios)または'''スメルトリウス'''(Smertrius)はガリアとノリクム<ref>現代のオーストリアとスロベニアの領域に位置したケルト人の王国。</ref>で崇拝された軍神であった<ref>Nicole Jufer & Thierry Luginbühl. 2001. ''Les dieux gaulois : répertoire des noms de divinités celtiques connus par l'épigraphie, les textes antiques et la toponymie.'' Editions Errance, Paris.</ref>。ローマ時代にはマールスと同一視されていた。彼の名前は女神[[ロスメルタ]]と同じ語源を持ち、「供給者」または「提供者」を意味すると思われ、真の名前というよりはむしろ肩書きといえる。'''スメルトゥリタヌス'''(Smertulitanus)は、同じ神の異名かもしれない。
== 私的注釈 ==
In == 参考文献 ==* Wikipedia:[[Gallohttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smertrios Smertrios](最終閲覧日:22-11-Roman religion]], 24)** ''Dictionary of Celtic Myth and Legend'Smertrios''' or '''Smertrius''' was a god of [[war]] worshipped in [[Gaul]] and [[Noricum]]. In [[Roman Empire|Roman]] times he was equated with [[Mars (mythology)|Mars]]Miranda Green. His name contains the same root as that of the goddess [[Rosmerta]] Thames and may mean "The Purveyor" or "The Provider", a title rather than a true nameHudson Ltd. '''Smertulitanus''' may be a variant name for the same godLondon.1997
Smertrius is one of the Gaulish gods depicted on the [[Pillar of the Boatmen]], discovered in [[Paris]]. Here is depicted as a well-muscled bearded man confronting a snake which rears up in front of him. The god brandishes an object which has usually been interpreted as a club but which rather resembles a torch or firebrand.== 関連項目 ==* ヘーラクレースThe normal interpretation of the god's attribute as a club has led to the identification, by modern scholars, of Smertrius and [[Hercules]]. Other evidence links Smertrius with the Celtic version of [[Mars (mythology)|Mars]]: at * [[Möhn]ロスメルタ] near [[Trier]], a spring sanctuary was dedicated to Mars Smertrius and his consort [[Ancamna]]. Coins found here indicate that there was a shrine here before the [[Ancient Rome|Roman]] period. Another [[Treveri|Treveran]] inscription links Mars and Smertrius. Smertrius himself is known outside Gaul, for example on a fragmentary inscription at [[Grossbach (Austria)|Grossbach]] in [[Austria]]. ==References=={{Reflist}}{{Refbegin}}:ガリア神話の女神。スメルトリオスの母神といえるか。* ''Dictionary of Celtic Myth and Legend''. Miranda Green. Thames and Hudson Ltd. London. 1997{{Refend}}シュカレトゥダ:シュメール神話の庭師。子音構成がスメルトリオスに近い気がする。
== 参照 ==
