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== アポローンの神殿 ==
ギリシャやギリシャの植民地では、多くの神殿がアポローンに捧げられていた。ギリシャやギリシャの植民地では、多くの神殿がアポローンに捧げられていた。アポローン崇拝が広まり、形の正しさと数学的関係に基づくものが多かったギリシャ建築が進化したことがわかる。特にクレタ島の最古の神殿のいくつかは、ギリシアのどの秩序にも属さないものである。最初の環状列石寺院は、長方形の木造建築だったようだ。木製のさまざまな部材は神とみなされ、その形はドーリス式神殿の大理石や石材の部材に残された。ギリシア人が標準型を用いたのは、物の世界は典型的な形の連続であり、いくつかの例で表現できると考えたからである。神殿はカノン式であるべきで、建築家はこの美的完成を目指した<ref>To know what a thing is, we must know the look of it": Rhys Carpenter: ''The esthetic basis of Greek art''. Indiana University Press. p. 108</ref>。古くから、長方形の周縁建築やプロスタイル建築には、ある種の規則が厳格に守られていた。最初の建物は、屋根を支えるために狭く作られており、寸法が変わると、元の形を保つために数学的な計算が必要になった。これは、物事の外見の裏に、数学の永久原理があると考えたピタゴラスの数論に影響を与えたと思われる<ref name="C. M. Bowra 1957 p. 166">C. M. Bowra (1957). ''The Greek experience'', p. 166.</ref>。
=== ギリシャの神殿 ===
* ギリシャのテーベ:アポローン・イスメニウスに捧げられたと思われる最古の神殿は、紀元前9世紀に建てられたもので、曲線的な建物だったようだ。ドーリア式神殿は紀元前7世紀初頭に建てられたが、小さな部材がいくつか見つかっている<ref>William Dinsmoor (1950),''The architecture of Ancient Greece'', p. 218, ISBN:0-8196-0283-3</ref>。9年ごとにアポローン・イスメニウス(またはガラクシウス)を称えるダフネフォリアという祭りが行われた。人々は月桂樹の枝(ダフナイ)を持ち、行列の先頭には「ダフネフォロス」と呼ばれる若者(アポロンの選帝侯)が歩いていた<ref name="William Smith 1875. p. 384">William Smith.'' A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities'', John Murray, London, 1875. p. 384</ref>。
* エレトリア:ホメロスのアポローン讃歌によると、神は神託を行う場所を求めて平原に到着した。最初のアポローン神殿ダフネフォロス(Daphnephoros)は、「月桂樹を運ぶアポローン」、つまり「ダフネを運び出す」もので、紀元前800年のものとされている。神殿は曲線的なヘカトンベドンであった。小さな建物には、最初の建物に使用された月桂樹の枝の基部が保管されていた。紀元前7世紀には、幾何学的な前身となる神殿の上に木製の柱の内列を持つ、おそらく周縁的な別の神殿が建設された。 紀元前510年頃に再建されたもので、基壇の大きさは21,00×43,00m、基壇の数は6×14であった<ref>[http://odysseus.culture.gr/h/2/eh251.jsp?obj_id=1689 Hellenic Ministry of culture, Temple of Apollo Daphnephoros] , https://web.archive.org/web/20140912212901/http://odysseus.culture.gr/h/2/eh251.jsp?obj_id=1689, 12 September 2014</ref><ref>Rufus B. Richardson, "A Temple in Eretria" ''The American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts'', '''10'''.3 (July – September 1895:326–337)</ref> 。
* ドレロス(クレタ島):アポローン・デルフィニオス神殿は、紀元前7世紀、あるいは紀元前8世紀中頃のものであろう。伝説によれば、アポローンはイルカとして現れ、クレタの神官をデルフォイの港に運んだという<ref name="Martin Nilsson 1967 p. 529">Martin Nilsson (1967). Vol&nbsp;I, p.&nbsp;529</ref>。平面図の寸法は10,70 x 24,00 mで、建物は周縁部ではない。ドーリア式円柱の前身と考えられるミノア式円柱基壇を含む<ref>Robertson pp. [https://books.google.com/books?id=l3Ln6KMGio0C&pg=PA56 56], [https://books.google.com/books?id=l3Ln6KMGio0C&pg=PA323 323].</ref>。
* ゴーティン(クレタ島):紀元前7世紀に建てられたピトアニスのアポローン神殿は、19,00 x 16,70 mの平面で、周縁部がない。壁は石灰岩でできていて頑丈で、東側に扉が1つあった。
* テルモン(西ギリシア):紀元前7世紀半ばに建てられたドーリア式のアポローン神殿は、紀元前10世紀頃に建てられたと思われる曲線的な建物の上に建てられ、その上に柱廊(ペリスタイル)が追加されている。神殿は狭く、プテロン柱(おそらく木製)の数は5×15本であった。内柱は1列であった。石でできた基壇の部分で12.13 x 38.23mの大きさである<ref name="Spivey, p. 112">Spivey, p. 112</ref>。
* コリントス:紀元前6世紀に建てられたドーリス式神殿。基壇の大きさは21.36 x 53.30 m、プテロン柱は6 x 15本である。内柱は2列であった。デルフォイのアルクメオニダス神殿と様式が似ている<ref>Robertson p. 87</ref>。コリント人はドリス式建築の発明者とされる<ref name="Spivey, p. 112"/>。
* ナペス(レスボス島):紀元前7世紀、アポローン・ナパイオスの神殿と思われるエオリア式神殿が建てられた。花飾りを施した特殊な柱頭も発見されており、これはエオリックと呼ばれ、東洋から借用したものと思われる<ref name=Robertson324>D.S Robertson(1945):''A handbook of Greek and Roman architecture'', Cambridge University Press pp. 324-329</ref> 。
* リビア、キュレネ:紀元前600年頃に建てられた最古のドーリア式アポローン神殿。プテロン柱は6本×11本で、基壇の大きさは16.75×30.05m。基壇の上に16本の内柱が2列に並んでいる。柱頭は石で作られていた<ref name=Robertson324/> 。
* ナウクラティス:紀元前6世紀初頭にイオニア式神殿が建設された。石灰岩で作られた初期のものは、イオニア式の中でも最も古いものとされている<ref>Robertson, p. 98</ref>。
* シチリア島シラクサ:紀元前6世紀初頭に建てられたドーリア式神殿。神殿の基壇は21.47 x 55.36 m、プテロン柱は6 x 17本である。この神殿は、ギリシャ西部で初めて完全に石材で造られた神殿である。2列目の柱が追加され、内ポーチの効果が得られるようになった<ref>Mertens 2006, pp. 104–109.</ref>。
* セリヌス(シチリア島):ドーリア式神殿Cは紀元前550年のもので、アポローンに捧げられていたと思われる。 神殿の基壇は10.48 x 41.63 mで、プテロン柱は6 x 17本であった。2列目の柱を持つポルティコがあり、これはシラクサの神殿でも確認されている<ref>IG XIV 269</ref>。
* デルフォイ:紀元前7世紀、アポローンに捧げられた最初の神殿が建てられた。伝説によると、月桂樹の枝で作られた木造であったという。アルクメオニダス神殿は紀元前513年頃に建造され、大理石の重要な要素を持つ最古のドーリア式神殿である。神殿の基壇は21.65x58.00m、プテロン柱は6x15本である<ref>[http://www.ancient-greece.org/architecture/delphi-temple-of-apollo.html Temple of Apollo at Delphi], Ancient-Greece.org</ref>。ギリシャのテーベのアポローン祭と同じような祭りが9年ごとに行われた。神殿に送られた少年は、聖なる道を歩き、月桂樹の枝(ドプネフォロス)を持って帰ってきた。乙女たちは歓喜の歌で参加した<ref name="William Smith 1875. p. 384"/>。
* キオス島:紀元前6世紀末に建てられたアポロン・ファナイオス神殿のイオニア式神殿.<ref name=Robertson324/>。
* アバエ(フォキス):神殿は、紀元前480年のクセルクセスの侵攻でペルシャ人によって破壊され、その後、ボイオティア人によっても破壊された。神殿はハドリアヌス帝によって再建された<ref>Smith William, New classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography, J. Murray, 1850, [https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_5_oGAAAAQAAJ/page/n83 1], https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_5_oGAAAAQAAJ, 14 October 2017</ref>。神託はミケーネ時代初期からローマ時代まで使用されており、ミケーネと古典ギリシャの宗教の連続性を示している<ref>See reports of the German Archaeological Institute in Archaeological Reports for 2008/9 43-45</ref>。
* バッサエ(ペロポネソス):紀元前430年、イクチノスが設計したアポローン・エピクーリオス(「助ける者アポローン」)を祭る神殿。ドーリス式とイオニア式の要素が組み合わされ、中央にコリント式の柱頭を持つ最古の柱が使われている<ref>[http://odysseus.culture.gr/h/3/eh351.jsp?obj_id=6664 Hellenic Ministry of Culture: The Temple of Epicurean Apollo].</ref>。神殿は比較的控えめな大きさで、基壇は14.5x38.3m<ref name="WHO">[http://www.worldheritagesite.org/sites/apolloepicurius.html Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae] (https://web.archive.org/web/20061231045240/http://www.worldheritagesite.org/sites/apolloepicurius.html, 31 December 2006), World Heritage Site.</ref>、6 x 15本の柱からなるドーリス式のペリスタイルがある。屋根は、光と空気を取り入れるために中央の空間を開放していた。
* デロス島:紀元前7世紀後半に建てられたアポローン神殿は、10,00 x 15,60mの平面図を持っていた。紀元前475年頃にドーリア式のアポロ大神殿が建てられた。神殿の基壇は13.72x29.78m、プテロン柱は6x13本である。大理石が多用された<ref name=Robertson324/>。
* アンブラシア:紀元前500年に建てられたアポローン・ピュティオス・ソティルを祭るドーリア式周縁神殿で、ギリシャの都市アルタの中心部にある。一部しか発見されていないが、この神殿はそれ以前のアポローンに捧げられた聖域の上に建てられたと思われる。神殿の大きさは、基壇の部分で20,75×44,00m。神像を支えていた土台が現存している<ref>[http://odysseus.culture.gr/h/2/eh251.jsp?obj_id=7002 Ministry of culture. Temple of Apollo Pythios Sotir], https://web.archive.org/web/20141202081651/http://odysseus.culture.gr/h/2/eh251.jsp?obj_id=7002 |date=2 December 2014</ref>。
* ディディマ(ミレトス近郊):紀元前540年頃に始まった巨大なイオニア式アポロン・ディディマイオス神殿。神殿は二重構造で、外側に10×21の柱が並び、基壇の大きさは28.90×80.75mである<ref>Peter Schneider: ''Neue Funde vom archaischen Apollontempel in Didyma''. In: Ernst-Ludwig Schwandner (ed.): ''Säule und Gebälk. Zu Struktur und Wandlungsprozeß griechisch-römischer Architektur''. Bauforschungskolloquium in Berlin vom 16.-18. Juni 1994. Diskussionen zur Archäologischen Bauforschung</ref>。
* クラルス(古代のコロフォンの近く):伝説によると、有名な占い師カルチャスは、トロイからの帰途、クラルスにやってきたという。彼は占い師モプサスに挑み、負けて死んだ<ref>Smith 1873, [https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0064:entry=clarus-geo s.v. Clarus].</ref>。アポローン・クラリウスのドーリア式神殿はおそらく紀元前3世紀に建てられ、6×11本の柱を持つ周縁型であった。ヘレニズム時代末期に再建され、その後ハドリアヌス帝から再建されたが、パウサニアスは紀元前2世紀にはまだ未完成であったと主張している<ref>[https://archive.today/20140917093750/http://www.klaros.org/apollon-klarios-tapinagi-ve-sunaklari?lang=en Prophecy centre of Apollo Clarius]</ref>。
* ハマクシタス(トロアド):『イリアス』では、アポローンの神官であるクリセスが、古くから病気('''ペスト''')をもたらす神としての役割に関連して、スミンテウス(ネズミの主)という諡号で神に語りかける。最近の発掘調査によると、ヘレニズム時代のアポローン・スミンテウス神殿は紀元前150~125年に建設されたが、ネズミの神のシンボルはおそらく紀元前4世紀のコインに使われていた<ref>Bresson (2007) 154-5, citing the excavations reports of Özgünel (2001).</ref>。神殿は基壇で40,00 x 23,00 m、プテロン柱は8 x 14本である<ref>Robertson p. 333</ref>。
* ピュティオン(古代ギリシャ語:Πύθιον):これはアテネのイリソス川の近くにあったアポローンの祠の名前である。ペイシストラトスによって作られ、タルゲリアの周期的な合唱で勝利した者たちが三脚(Thargelia)を置いたという<ref>[https://www.cs.uky.edu/~raphael/sol/sol-entries/pi/3130 Suda, pi.3130]</ref>。
* セタエ(リディア):市内にあるアポローン・アクシロス神殿<ref>[https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/1800-year-old-stele-on-way-back-from-italy-after-23-years-158317 1800-year-old stele on way back from Italy after 23 years]</ref>。
* アポローニア・ポンティカ:この街には、アポローン・ヒーラーの神殿が2つあった。ひとつは後期アルカイック時代のもの、もうひとつは初期古典時代のものである<ref>[http://archaeologyinbulgaria.com/2021/03/28/slab-with-marching-ancient-greek-warriors-discovered-at-apollo-temples-on-ancient-black-sea-island-in-bulgarias-sozopol/ Slab with marching ancient Greek warriors discovered at Apollo temples on ancient black sea island in Bulgaria's Sozopol]</ref>。
* ペルシャ湾に浮かぶイカロス島(現在のファイラカ島):この島にはアポローンの神殿があった<ref>Strabo, ''Geography'', [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0099.tlg001.perseus-grc1:16.3.2 16.3.2].</ref>。
* キプロスのアルゴス:アポローン・エリティオス(Ἐριθίου Ἀπόλλωνος)の神殿があった<ref>[http://remacle.org/bloodwolf/erudits/photius/ptolemee.htm Photius, Bibliotheca excerpts, 190.51 ]</ref>。
=== エトルリアとローマの神殿 ===
* ヴェイイ(エトルリア):紀元前6世紀後半に建てられたアポローン神殿は、エトルリアにおけるアポローンの文化(アプル)の広がりを示している。トスカーナと呼ばれるプロスタイルポーチと、幅18,50mのトリプルセラがあった<ref name="Robertson pp. 200-201">Robertson pp. 200-201</ref>。
* ファレリイ・ヴェテレス(エトルリア):紀元前4〜3世紀に建てられたと思われるアポローン神殿。テラコッタの柱頭の一部と、テラコッタの台座が発見されている。エトルリアの柱は、古風なドーリア式から派生したものだと思われる<ref name="Robertson pp. 200-201"/>。ファレリイ近郊で発見された1つの碑文によって、アポローン・ソラヌスの信仰が証明されている<ref>[https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0006:entry=falerii-veteres Perseus tufts: Falerii Veteres]</ref>。
* ポンペイ(イタリア):紀元前6世紀頃から、カンパニア地方ではアポローンの信仰が広まっていた。紀元前120年に建てられたが、その始まりは紀元前6世紀であり、紀元63年の地震の後に再建された。ローマ建築の基礎となる様々な様式が混在していたことがわかっている。セラの前の柱はトスカーナのプロスタイル・ポーチを形成し、セラは異常に奥まった位置にある。48本のイオニア式円柱からなる周縁列柱は、正面が強調されるように配置されている<ref>Davidson CSA :[http://sites.davidson.edu/csa/the-temple-of-apollo-at-pompeii-a-mishmash-of-architecture/ Temple of Apollo, Pompeii] https://web.archive.org/web/20150106221543/http://sites.davidson.edu/csa/the-temple-of-apollo-at-pompeii-a-mishmash-of-architecture/ , 6 January 2015</ref>。
* ローマ:アポロ・ソシアヌス神殿とアポロ・メディカス神殿である。最初の神殿建築は紀元前431年で、紀元前433年の疫病の後、アポロン・メディカス(医者)に捧げられたものである<ref>[http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/livy/liv.4.shtml#25 Livy 4.25]</ref>。これは紀元前34年にガイウス・ソシウスによって再建され、コリント式の柱頭を持つ柱が3本だけ現存している。少なくとも紀元前5世紀中頃から、この地にはアポロンの信仰があったようだ<ref>[http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/livy/liv.34.shtml#43 Livy 34.43]</ref>。
Many temples were dedicated to Apollo in Greece and the Greek colonies. They show the spread of the cult of Apollo and the evolution of the Greek architecture, which was mostly based on the rightness of form and on mathematical relations. Some of the earliest temples, especially in [[Crete]], do not belong to any Greek order. It seems that the first peripteral temples were rectangular wooden structures. The different wooden elements were considered [[divinity|divine]], and their forms were preserved in the marble or stone elements of the temples of [[Doric order]]. The Greeks used standard types because they believed that the world of objects was a series of typical forms which could be represented in several instances. The temples should be [[Canon (basic principle)|canonic]], and the architects were trying to achieve this esthetic perfection.<ref>To know what a thing is, we must know the look of it": Rhys Carpenter: ''The esthetic basis of Greek art''. Indiana University Press. p. 108</ref> From the earliest times there were certain rules strictly observed in rectangular peripteral and prostyle buildings. The first buildings were built narrowly in order to hold the roof, and when the dimensions changed some mathematical relations became necessary in order to keep the original forms. This probably influenced the theory of numbers of [[Pythagoras]], who believed that behind the appearance of things there was the permanent principle of mathematics.<ref name="C. M. Bowra 1957 p. 166">C. M. Bowra (1957). ''The Greek experience'', p. 166.</ref>
The [[Doric order]] dominated during the 6th and the 5th century BC but there was a mathematical problem regarding the position of the triglyphs, which couldn't be solved without changing the original forms. The order was almost abandoned for the [[Ionic order]], but the Ionic capital also posed an insoluble problem at the corner of a temple. Both orders were abandoned for the [[Corinthian order]] gradually during the Hellenistic age and under Rome.
The most important temples are:
===Greek temples===
*[[Thebes, Greece]]: The oldest temple probably dedicated to ''Apollo Ismenius'' was built in the 9th century B.C. It seems that it was a curvilinear building. The [[Doric order|Doric]] temple was built in the early 7th century B.C., but only some small parts have been found<ref>William Dinsmoor (1950),''The architecture of Ancient Greece'', p. 218, {{ISBN|0-8196-0283-3}}</ref> A festival called [[Daphnephoria]] was celebrated every ninth year in honour of Apollo Ismenius (or Galaxius). The people held laurel branches (daphnai), and at the head of the procession walked a youth (chosen priest of Apollo), who was called "daphnephoros".<ref name="William Smith 1875. p. 384">William Smith.'' A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities'', John Murray, London, 1875. p. 384</ref>
*[[Eretria]]: According to the Homeric hymn to Apollo, the god arrived to the plain, seeking for a location to establish its oracle. The first temple of ''Apollo Daphnephoros'', "Apollo, laurel-bearer", or "carrying off Daphne", is dated to 800 B.C. The temple was curvilinear ''hecatombedon'' (a hundred feet). In a smaller building were kept the bases of the laurel branches which were used for the first building. Another temple probably peripteral was built in the 7th century B.C., with an inner row of wooden columns over its Geometric predecessor. It was rebuilt peripteral around 510 B.C., with the [[stylobate]] measuring 21,00 x 43,00 m. The number of [[pteron]] column was 6 x 14.<ref>[http://odysseus.culture.gr/h/2/eh251.jsp?obj_id=1689 Hellenic Ministry of culture, Temple of Apollo Daphnephoros] {{webarchive |url=https://web.archive.org/web/20140912212901/http://odysseus.culture.gr/h/2/eh251.jsp?obj_id=1689 |date=12 September 2014 }}</ref><ref>Rufus B. Richardson, "A Temple in Eretria" ''The American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts'', '''10'''.3 (July – September 1895:326–337)</ref>
*[[Dreros]] ([[Crete]]). The temple of ''Apollo Delphinios'' dates from the 7th century B.C., or probably from the middle of the 8th century B.C. According to the legend, Apollo appeared as a dolphin, and carried Cretan priests to the port of [[Delphi]].<ref name="Martin Nilsson 1967 p. 529">Martin Nilsson (1967). Vol&nbsp;I, p.&nbsp;529</ref> The dimensions of the plan are 10,70 x 24,00 m and the building was not peripteral. It contains column-bases of the [[Minoan civilization|Minoan]] type, which may be considered as the predecessors of the [[Doric order|Doric]] columns.<ref>Robertson pp. [https://books.google.com/books?id=l3Ln6KMGio0C&pg=PA56 56], [https://books.google.com/books?id=l3Ln6KMGio0C&pg=PA323 323].</ref>
*[[Gortyn]] ([[Crete]]). A temple of ''Pythian Apollo'', was built in the 7th century B.C. The plan measured 19,00 x 16,70 m and it was not peripteral. The walls were solid, made from limestone, and there was single door on the east side.
*[[Thermon]] ([[West Greece]]): The [[Doric order|Doric]] temple of ''Apollo Thermios'', was built in the middle of the 7th century B.C. It was built on an older curvilinear building dating perhaps from the 10th century B.C., on which a [[peristyle]] was added. The temple was narrow, and the number of pteron columns (probably wooden) was 5 x 15. There was a single row of inner columns. It measures 12.13 x 38.23 m at the stylobate, which was made from stones.<ref name="Spivey, p. 112">Spivey, p. 112</ref>
[[File:Apollotempel.gif|thumb|left|200px| Floor plan of the temple of Apollo, Corinth]]
*[[Corinth]]: A [[Doric order|Doric]] temple was built in the 6th century B.C. The temple's [[stylobate]] measures 21.36 x 53.30 m, and the number of pteron columns was 6 x 15. There was a double row of inner columns. The style is similar with the Temple of Alcmeonidae at [[Delphi]].<ref>Robertson p. 87</ref> The Corinthians were considered to be the inventors of the [[Doric order]].<ref name="Spivey, p. 112"/>
*Napes ([[Lesbos]]): An [[Aeolic order|Aeolic]] temple probably of ''Apollo Napaios'' was built in the 7th century B.C. Some special capitals with floral ornament have been found, which are called [[Aeolic order|Aeolic]], and it seems that they were borrowed from the East.<ref name=Robertson324>D.S Robertson(1945):''A handbook of Greek and Roman architecture'', Cambridge University Press pp. 324-329</ref>
*[[Cyrene, Libya]]: The oldest [[Doric order|Doric]] temple of Apollo was built in {{circa|600 B.C.}}. The number of pteron columns was 6 x 11, and it measures 16.75 x 30.05 m at the stylobate. There was a double row of sixteen inner columns on stylobates. The capitals were made from stone.<ref name=Robertson324/>
*[[Naukratis]]: An [[Ionic order|Ionic]] temple was built in the early 6th century B.C. Only some fragments have been found and the earlier, made from limestone, are identified among the oldest of the [[Ionic order]].<ref>Robertson, p. 98</ref>
[[File:Siracusa-Temple-of-Apoll-Plan-bjs.png|thumb|right|200px|Floor plan of the temple of Apollo, Syracuse]]
*[[Syracuse, Sicily]]: A [[Doric order|Doric]] temple was built at the beginning of the 6th century B.C. The temple's [[stylobate]] measures 21.47 x 55.36 m and the number of pteron columns was 6 x 17. It was the first temple in Greek west built completely out of stone. A second row of columns were added, obtaining the effect of an inner porch.<ref>Mertens 2006, pp. 104–109.</ref>
*[[Selinus]] ([[Sicily]]):The [[Doric order|Doric]] [[Temple C (Selinus)|Temple C]] dates from 550 B.C., and it was probably dedicated to Apollo. The temple's stylobate measures 10.48 x 41.63 m and the number of pteron columns was 6 x 17. There was portico with a second row of columns, which is also attested for the temple at [[Syracuse, Sicily|Syracuse]].<ref>[[Inscriptiones Graecorum|IG]] XIV 269</ref>
*[[Delphi]]: The first temple dedicated to Apollo, was built in the 7th century B.C. According to the legend, it was wooden made of laurel branches. The "Temple of Alcmeonidae" was built in {{circa|513 B.C.}} and it is the oldest Doric temple with significant marble elements. The temple's stylobate measures 21.65 x 58.00 m, and the number of pteron columns as 6 x 15.<ref>[http://www.ancient-greece.org/architecture/delphi-temple-of-apollo.html Temple of Apollo at Delphi], Ancient-Greece.org</ref> A fest similar with Apollo's fest at [[Thebes, Greece]] was celebrated every nine years. A boy was sent to the temple, who walked on the sacred road and returned carrying a laurel branch (''dopnephoros''). The maidens participated with joyful songs.<ref name="William Smith 1875. p. 384"/>
*[[Chios]]: An [[Ionic order|Ionic]] temple of ''Apollo Phanaios'' was built at the end of the 6th century B.C. Only some small parts have been found and the capitals had floral ornament.<ref name=Robertson324/>
*[[Abae]] ([[Phocis (ancient region)|Phocis]]). The temple was destroyed by the [[Persia]]ns in the invasion of [[Xerxes I of Persia|Xerxes]] in 480 B.C., and later by the [[Boeotia]]ns. It was rebuilt by [[Hadrian]].<ref>{{cite book|last1=Smith|first1=William|title=New classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography|publisher=J. Murray|date=1850|page=[https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_5_oGAAAAQAAJ/page/n83 1]|url=https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_5_oGAAAAQAAJ|access-date=14 October 2017}}</ref> The oracle was in use from early [[Mycenae]]an times to the Roman period, and shows the continuity of Mycenaean and Classical Greek religion.<ref>See reports of the German Archaeological Institute in Archaeological Reports for 2008/9 43-45</ref>
[[File:Bassai Temple of Apollo Plan.svg|left|thumb|200px|Floor plan of the Temple of Apollo at Bassae]]
*[[Bassae]] ([[Peloponnesus]]):A temple dedicated to ''Apollo Epikourios'' ("Apollo the helper"), was built in 430 B.C. and it was designed by [[Iktinos]].It combined [[Doric order|Doric]] and [[Ionic order|Ionic]] elements, and the earliest use of column with a [[Corinthian order|Corinthian]] capital in the middle.<ref>[http://odysseus.culture.gr/h/3/eh351.jsp?obj_id=6664 Hellenic Ministry of Culture: The Temple of Epicurean Apollo].</ref> The temple is of a relatively modest size, with the [[stylobate]] measuring 14.5 x 38.3 metres<ref name="WHO">[http://www.worldheritagesite.org/sites/apolloepicurius.html Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20061231045240/http://www.worldheritagesite.org/sites/apolloepicurius.html |date=31 December 2006 }}, World Heritage Site.</ref> containing a [[Doric order|Doric]] [[peristyle]] of 6 x 15 columns. The roof left a central space open to admit light and air.
*[[Delos]]: A temple probably dedicated to Apollo and not peripteral, was built in the late 7th century B.C., with a plan measuring 10,00 x 15,60 m. The [[Doric order|Doric]] Great temple of Apollo, was built in {{circa|475 B.C.}}. The temple's stylobate measures 13.72 x 29.78 m, and the number of pteron columns as 6 x 13. Marble was extensively used.<ref name=Robertson324/>
*[[Ambracia]]: A [[Doric order|Doric]] peripteral temple dedicated to ''Apollo Pythios Sotir'' was built in 500 B.C., and It is lying at the centre of the Greek city [[Arta, Greece|Arta]]. Only some parts have been found, and it seems that the temple was built on earlier sanctuaries dedicated to Apollo. The temple measures 20,75 x 44,00 m at the [[stylobate]]. The foundation which supported the statue of the god, still exists.<ref>[http://odysseus.culture.gr/h/2/eh251.jsp?obj_id=7002 Ministry of culture. Temple of Apollo Pythios Sotir] {{webarchive |url=https://web.archive.org/web/20141202081651/http://odysseus.culture.gr/h/2/eh251.jsp?obj_id=7002 |date=2 December 2014 }}</ref>
[[File:Tempel des Apollo Didymaeos in Milet.png|right|thumb|180px|Temple of Apollo, Didyma]]
*[[Didyma]] (near [[Miletus]]): The gigantic [[Ionic order|Ionic]] temple of ''Apollo Didymaios'' started around 540 B.C. The construction ceased and then it was restarted in 330 B.C. The temple is dipteral, with an outer row of 10 x 21 columns, and it measures 28.90 x 80.75 m at the stylobate.<ref>Peter Schneider: ''Neue Funde vom archaischen Apollontempel in Didyma''. In: Ernst-Ludwig Schwandner (ed.): ''Säule und Gebälk. Zu Struktur und Wandlungsprozeß griechisch-römischer Architektur''. Bauforschungskolloquium in Berlin vom 16.-18. Juni 1994. Diskussionen zur Archäologischen Bauforschung</ref>
*[[Clarus]] (near ancient [[Colophon (city)|Colophon]]): According to the legend, the famous seer Calchas, on his return from Troy, came to Clarus. He challenged the seer Mopsus, and died when he lost.<ref>Smith 1873, [https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0064:entry=clarus-geo s.v. Clarus].</ref> The [[Doric order|Doric]] temple of ''Apollo Clarius'' was probably built in the 3rd century B.C., and it was peripteral with 6 x 11 columns. It was reconstructed at the end of the Hellenistic period, and later from the emperor [[Hadrian]] but Pausanias claims that it was still incomplete in the 2nd century B.C.<ref>[https://archive.today/20140917093750/http://www.klaros.org/apollon-klarios-tapinagi-ve-sunaklari?lang=en Prophecy centre of Apollo Clarius]</ref>
*[[Hamaxitus]] ([[Troad]]): In [[Iliad]], [[Chryses]] the priest of Apollo, addresses the god with the epithet Smintheus (Lord of Mice), related with the god's ancient role as bringer of the disease (plague). Recent excavations indicate that the Hellenistic temple of ''Apollo Smintheus'' was constructed at 150–125 B.C., but the symbol of the mouse god was used on coinage probably from the 4th century B.C.<ref>Bresson (2007) 154-5, citing the excavations reports of Özgünel (2001).</ref> The temple measures 40,00 x 23,00 m at the [[stylobate]], and the number of pteron columns was 8 x 14.<ref>Robertson p. 333</ref>
*Pythion ({{lang-grc|Πύθιον}}), this was the name of a shrine of Apollo at [[Athens]] near the [[Ilisos]] river. It was created by Peisistratos, and tripods placed there by those who had won in the cyclic chorus at the [[Thargelia]].<ref>[https://www.cs.uky.edu/~raphael/sol/sol-entries/pi/3130 Suda, pi.3130]</ref>
*[[Setae (Lydia)]]: The temple of ''Apollo Aksyros'' located in the city.<ref>[https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/1800-year-old-stele-on-way-back-from-italy-after-23-years-158317 1800-year-old stele on way back from Italy after 23 years]</ref>
*[[Apollonia Pontica]]: There were two temples of Apollo Healer in the city. One from the Late Archaic period and the other from the Early Classical period.<ref>[http://archaeologyinbulgaria.com/2021/03/28/slab-with-marching-ancient-greek-warriors-discovered-at-apollo-temples-on-ancient-black-sea-island-in-bulgarias-sozopol/ Slab with marching ancient Greek warriors discovered at Apollo temples on ancient black sea island in Bulgaria's Sozopol]</ref>
*[[Ikaros (Failaka Island)|Ikaros island in the Persian Gulf]] (modern [[Failaka Island]]): There was a temple of Apollo on the island.<ref>[[Strabo]], ''[[Geographica|Geography]]'', [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0099.tlg001.perseus-grc1:16.3.2 16.3.2].</ref>
*Argos in [[Cyprus]]: there was a temple of Apollo Erithios (Ἐριθίου Ἀπόλλωνος ἱερῷ).<ref>[http://remacle.org/bloodwolf/erudits/photius/ptolemee.htm Photius, Bibliotheca excerpts, 190.51 ]</ref>
===Etruscan and Roman temples===
*[[Veii]] ([[Etruria]]): The temple of Apollo was built in the late 6th century B.C. and it indicates the spread of Apollo's culture (Aplu) in Etruria. There was a prostyle porch, which is called [[Tuscan order|Tuscan]], and a triple cella 18,50 m wide.<ref name="Robertson pp. 200-201">Robertson pp. 200-201</ref>
*[[Falerii Veteres]] ([[Etruria]]): A temple of Apollo was built probably in the 4th-3rd century B.C. Parts of a teraccotta capital, and a teraccotta base have been found. It seems that the Etruscan columns were derived from the archaic Doric.<ref name="Robertson pp. 200-201"/> A cult of [[Soranus (mythology)|Apollo Soranus]] is attested by one inscription found near Falerii.<ref>[https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0006:entry=falerii-veteres Perseus tufts: Falerii Veteres]</ref>
[[File:Pompeii Regio 07 Insula 07 Temple of Apollo plan 01.jpg|thumb|left|180px|Plan of the [[Temple of Apollo (Pompeii)]]]]
*[[Pompeii]] (Italy): The cult of Apollo was widespread in the region of Campania since the 6th century B.C. The temple was built in 120 B.C., but its beginnings lie in the 6th century B.C. It was reconstructed after an earthquake in A.D. 63. It demonstrates a mixing of styles which formed the basis of Roman architecture. The columns in front of the cella formed a [[Tuscan order|Tuscan]] prostyle porch, and the cella is situated unusually far back. The peripteral colonnade of 48 [[Ionic order|Ionic]] columns was placed in such a way that the emphasis was given to the front side.<ref>Davidson CSA :[http://sites.davidson.edu/csa/the-temple-of-apollo-at-pompeii-a-mishmash-of-architecture/ Temple of Apollo, Pompeii] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20150106221543/http://sites.davidson.edu/csa/the-temple-of-apollo-at-pompeii-a-mishmash-of-architecture/ |date=6 January 2015 }}</ref>
* Rome: The [[temple of Apollo Sosianus]] and the ''temple of Apollo Medicus''. The first temple building dates to 431 B.C., and was dedicated to Apollo Medicus (the doctor), after a plague of 433 B.C.<ref>[http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/livy/liv.4.shtml#25 Livy 4.25]</ref> It was rebuilt by [[Gaius Sosius]], probably in 34 B.C. Only three columns with [[Corinthian order|Corinthian]] capitals exist today. It seems that the cult of Apollo had existed in this area since at least to the mid-5th century B.C.<ref>[http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/livy/liv.34.shtml#43 Livy 34.43]</ref>
*Rome:The [[temple of Apollo Palatinus]] was located on the Palatine hill within the sacred boundary of the city. It was dedicated by [[Augustus]] on 28 B.C. The façade of the original temple was [[Ionic order|Ionic]] and it was constructed from solid blocks of marble. Many famous statues by Greek masters were on display in and around the temple, including a marble statue of the god at the entrance and a statue of Apollo in the cella.<ref>[https://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Gazetteer/Places/Europe/Italy/Lazio/Roma/Rome/_Texts/PLATOP*/Aedes_Apollinis_Palatini.html A topographical dictionary of Ancient Rome]</ref>
*[[Melite (ancient city)|Melite]] (modern [[Mdina]], [[Malta]]): A [[Temple of Apollo (Melite)|Temple of Apollo]] was built in the city in the 2nd century A.D. Its remains were discovered in the 18th century, and many of its architectural fragments were dispersed among private collections or reworked into new sculptures. Parts of the temple's podium were rediscovered in 2002.<ref>{{cite news|last1=Testa|first1=Michael|title=New find at Mdina most important so far in old capital|url=http://www.maltamigration.com/news/times93020.shtml|work=[[Times of Malta]]|date=19 March 2002|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160413115810/http://www.maltamigration.com/news/times93020.shtml |archive-date=13 April 2016}}</ref>
