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93 バイト追加 、 2022年12月18日 (日) 19:47
グノーシス主義の『世界の起源』では、宇宙創成期のエロースは、カオスのすべての生き物の中に散在し、光と闇、天使と人間の中間的な存在であったとされている。その後、[[プシューケー]]がエロスに自らの血を注ぎ、地上に最初のバラを芽生えさせ、その後、あらゆる花や草木を芽生えさせる<ref>cite book, James M., Robinson, James M. Robinson, 2007, 1st&nbsp;publ.&nbsp;1978, On the Origin of the World, The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, HarperCollins , isbn:9780060523787, http://gnosis.org/naghamm/origin-Barnstone.html</ref><ref group="私注">エロースと[[プシューケー]]が[[薔薇]]と関連づけられるところは「[[美女と野獣]]」に類似している。この場合は[[薔薇]]が世界樹の役割も果たしているようである。</ref>。
=== ディオニューシアカ ディオニューソス関連 ===[[ディオニューソス]]関連の神話には、エロースが2回登場する。   
Eros features in two [[Dionysus]]-related myths. In the first, Eros made [[Hymnus (Greek mythology)|Hymnus]], a young shepherd, to fall in love with the beautiful [[Naiad]] [[Nicaea (mythology)|Nicaea]]. Nicaea never reciprocated Hymnus' affection, and he in desperation asked her to kill him. She fulfilled his wish, but Eros, disgusted with Nicaea's actions, made Dionysus fall in love with her by hitting him with a love arrow. Nicaea rejected Dionysus, so he filled the spring she used to drink from with wine. Intoxicated, Nicaea lay to rest as Dionysus forced himself on her. Afterwards, she sought to find him seeking revenge, but never found him.<ref>[[Nonnus]], ''[[Dionysiaca]]'' [https://archive.org/details/dionysiaca01nonnuoft/page/516/mode/2up?view=theater 15.202]–[https://archive.org/details/dionysiaca02nonnuoft/page/28/mode/2up?view=theater 16.383]</ref> In the other, one of [[Artemis]]' maiden nymphs [[Aura (mythology)|Aura]] boasted of being better than her mistress, due to having a virgin's body, as opposed to Artemis' sensuous and lush figure, thereby bringing into question Artemis' virginity. Artemis, angered, asked [[Nemesis]], the goddess of vengeance and retribution, to avenge her, and Nemesis ordered Eros to make Dionysus fall in love with Aura. The tale then continues in the same manner as Nicaea's myth; Dionysus gets Aura drunk and then rapes her.<ref>[[Nonnus]], ''[[Dionysiaca]]'' [https://archive.org/stream/dionysiaca03nonnuoft#page/442/mode/2up 48.936]–[https://archive.org/stream/dionysiaca03nonnuoft#page/490/mode/2up 992]</ref>
