また、Lebor Gabála Érennは、バズヴは軍神ネイトの二人の妻のうちの一人であると述べている<ref name="Invasions" />。あまり一般的ではないが、フォモロニア王テスラの妻とも言われている<ref name="Dictionary" />。
===Similar deities類似した神々 ===
In her role as a terrifying battlefield goddess and harbinger of doom, Badb closely resembles [[Nemain]]. Like Badb, Nemain is identified as a wife of Neit. Writers have sometimes used their names interchangeably, suggesting that they may in fact be a single goddess.<ref name="Dictionary" /> On the other hand, [[W. M. Hennessy]] notes that Badb and Nemain were said to have different sets of parents, suggesting that they may not be entirely identical figures.<ref name="Ancient" />