<blockquote>イアムベーとバウボーは、エレウーシス神話で感情の緊張をほぐすために猥歌を歌った。イアムベー、デーメーテール、バウボーは、乙女、ニンフ、老婆というおなじみの三つ組みで擬人化されている。ギリシア神話に登場する老女は、ほとんどが女神の代わりの老婆である<ref>''Ibid''., p. 96.</ref>。</blockquote>
Baubo, having received Demeter as a guest, offers her a draught of wine and meal. She declines to take it, being unwilling to drink on account of her mourning. Baubo is deeply hurt, thinking she has been slighted, and thereupon uncovers her secret parts and exhibits them to the goddess. Demeter is pleased at the sight, and now at least receives the draught, — delighted by the spectacle! These are the secret mysteries of the Athenians! These are also the subjects of Orpheus’ poems. I will quote you the very lines of [[Orpheus]], in order that you may have the originator of the mysteries as witness of their shamelessness:
The following excerpt is taken from [[Clement of Alexandria]]'s ''Exhortation to the Greeks,'' from a 1919 English translation: {{quotation|Baubo, having received Demeter as a guest, offers her a draught of wine and meal. She declines to take it, being unwilling to drink on account of her mourning. Baubo is deeply hurt, thinking she has been slighted, and thereupon uncovers her secret parts and exhibits them to the goddess. Demeter is pleased at the sight, and now at least receives the draught, — delighted by the spectacle! These are the secret mysteries of the Athenians! These are also the subjects of Orpheus’ poems. I will quote you the very lines of [[Orpheus]], in order that you may have the originator of the mysteries as witness of their shamelessness: “This said, she drew aside her robes, and showed a sight of shame; child Iacchus was there, and laughing, plunged his hand below her breasts. Then smiled the goddess, in her heart she smiled, and drank the draught from out the glancing cup.”<ref>[[Clement of Alexandria]]. Translated by Butterworth, G. W. (1919), [[Loeb Classical Library]], volume 92. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Harvard University Press.</ref>}}
==Baubo figurines==