ラミアーはリビアの美しい女王で、ゼウスは彼女を愛し、共に眠った。ヘーラーは嫉妬のあまり、ラミアーの子供を誘拐して隠し、殺すか、あるいはラミアー自身に自分の子供を殺させるかして、ラミアーの子供を奪った<ref name=johnston>Johnston Sarah Iles, Restless Dead: Encounters Between the Living and the Dead in Ancient Greece|pub, isher:Univ of California Press, 2013, https://books.google.com/books?id=57MwDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA174 , page174, isbn:9780520280182</ref><ref>Ogden, 2013b, p98: "Because of Hera ... she lost [''or'': destroyed] the children she bore".</ref>。ラミアーは苦しみのために醜くなり、他人の子供を狩って殺す恐ろしい存在に変身した<ref>Duris of Samos (d. 280 B. C.), ''Libyca'', quoted by Ogden(2013b、p98)</ref>。
====Geranaゲラナ ====
[[Gerana]] was a queen of the [[Pygmies]] who boasted she was more beautiful than Hera. The wrathful goddess turned her into a crane and proclaimed that her bird descendants should wage eternal war on the Pygmy folk.<ref>[[Ovid]], ''[[Metamorphoses]]'' 6.89 - 91</ref>