先史時代の初期には、アストヒク<ref>Petrosyan, 2015, p100</ref>(アルメニア語:Աստղիկ)がアルメニアの豊穣と愛の神として崇拝され、後に天空の光が彼女の擬人化とみなされ、[[ヴァハグン]]の配偶神となった。後の異教時代には、愛、乙女の美しさ、水源や泉の女神となった<ref>Lurker, Manfred. ''The Routledge Dictionary Of Gods Goddesses Devils And Demons''. Routledge. 2004. pp. 22-23. ISBN:978-04-15340-18-2</ref>。
The ''[[Vardavar]]'' festival devoted to Astłik that had once been celebrated in mid July was transformed into the Christian holiday of the [[Transfiguration of Jesus]], and is still celebrated by the Armenians. As in pre-Christian times, on the day of this fest the people release doves and sprinkle water on each other with wishes of health and good luck.
One tradition holds her as [[Noah]]'s daughter, born after the [[Genesis flood narrative|great flood]].<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.armeniaculture-am.armin.am/en/Encyclopedia_astghik|title = Astghik | armeniaculture.am}}</ref>