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=== 寺院 ===
カルケ山麓のアシュティシャットにあったヴァハグンの総本山は、ヴァハグンの子孫であるヴァヘヴニまたはヴァハヌニの貴族を祭司としていたため、しばしばヴァヘヴァネアまたはヴァヘヴァヘアン寺院と呼ばれた<ref>Katvalyan, 1985</ref>。ヴァハグンはアナヒット、アストギクと共に神殿に祀られていた<ref>Katvalyan, 1985</ref><ref>Petrosyan, 2007, pp6-7</ref><ref>Petrosyan, 2018, p207</ref>。アガサンゲロスによれば、4世紀初頭、ティリダテス3世がキリスト教に改宗した後、アルメニア教会の初代教主グレゴリウス・イルミネーターがアシュティシャットに行き、ヴァハグンの神殿を破壊したとのことである<ref>Russell, 1987, pp192-193</ref><efref>Katvalyan, 1985</ref>   The chief temple of Vahagn at [[Ashtishat]] on the slopes of Mount Karke was often called the Vahevanean or Vahevahean temple because its priests were members of the [[Vahevuni]] or Vahnuni noble house。破壊された神殿の跡地には教会が建てられ、アルメニア教会の最初の母教会となった<ref>Russell, who claimed descent from Vahagn. Vahagn was worshipped jointly at the temple together with Anahit and Astghik. According to Agathangelos, after King [[Tiridates III of Armenia|Tiridates III's]] conversion to Christianity in the early fourth century, the first head of the Armenian Church [[Gregory the Illuminator]] went to Ashtishat and destroyed the temple of Vahagn. A church was constructed on the site of the destroyed temple1987, which became the first Mother See of the [[Armenian Apostolic Church|Armenian Church]].{{Sfn|Russell|1987|pp=192pp192-193}}{{Sfn|</ref><ref>Katvalyan|, 1985}}</ref>。
== Interpretations and comparative mythology ==
