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11 バイト除去 、 2022年12月16日 (金) 22:43
ラケダエモン人は戦いの前にエロースに生贄を捧げ、安全と勝利は戦いに並んで立つ者たちの友情によってもたらされると考えた。さらにクレタ人は戦場でもエロースに生け贄を捧げた<ref name="Athenaeus 13.12 GR"/><ref name="Athenaeus 13.12 EN"/>。
=== Eros and Psyche エロースとプシュケー ==={{Main|Cupid and Psyche}}
The story of [[Cupid and Psyche|Eros and Psyche]] has a longstanding tradition as a folktale of the ancient Greco-Roman world long before it was committed to literature in [[Apuleius]]' [[Latin]] novel, ''[[The Golden Ass]]''. The novel itself is written in a picaresque Roman style, yet Psyche retains her Greek name even though Eros and Aphrodite are called by their Latin names (Cupid and Venus). Also, Cupid is depicted as a young adult, rather than a fat winged child (''{{lang|it|[[putti|putto amorino]]}}'').<ref>{{cite book |author=[[Apuleius]] |section=[[Cupid and Psyche]] |title=[[The Golden Ass]] |publisher=Penguin Classics}}</ref>
