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68 バイト除去 、 2022年12月15日 (木) 07:29
== 神話 ==
=== 始原神として ===
According to [[Hesiod]]'s ''[[Theogony]]'' (c. 700 BC), one of the most ancient of all Greek sources, Eros (the god of love) was the fourth god to come into existence, coming after [[Chaos (mythology)|Chaos]], [[Gaia (mythology)|Gaia]] (the Earth), and [[Tartarus]] (the abyss).ヘシオドスの『神統記』(紀元前700年頃)によると、エロース(愛の神)は、カオス、ガイア(大地)、タルタロス(深淵)に続く4番目の神として登場した<ref>[[Hesiod]], ''[[Theogony]]'' [https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Hes.+Th.+116 116–122].</ref>    
[[Homer]] does not mention Eros. However, [[Parmenides]] (c. 400 BC), one of the [[pre-socratic|pre-Socratic]] philosophers, makes Eros the first of all the gods to come into existence.<ref>"First of all the gods she devised Erōs." (Parmenides, fragment 13.) (The identity of the "she" is unclear, as Parmenides' work has survived only in fragments.</ref>
